Environment Digimap: Prices for 2014 -15 released

Environment RoamJisc Collections have announced the pricing structure for the Environment Digimap service for the 2014-15 academic year. Environment Digimap will be the cheapest of the Digimap collections with prices ranging from £190 to £500 depending on the Jisc band of your higher education institution. There will be no charge for the service at all for further education institutions. Details of the pricing can be found in the Jisc collections catalogue entry:

Jisc Collections: Environment Digimap

Environment Digimap users have already logged in nearly 7000 times to produce over 90,000 screen maps and download over 3500 tiles of data to use in their research. The service currently supplies the three Land Cover datasets from 1990, 2000, and 2007 from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

While the service provides access to a very import dataset for environmental research, we hope to continue to develop the service in line with the demands of its users. In response to feedback in the current Environment Digimap Survey we will be introducing a map information tool.  We have also already added Northern Irish data due to requests from users and hope to make the detailed 2007 Land Cover data vector data available to those who subscribe to both the Environment and Ordnance Survey Digimap collections.

If you have any questions or feedback about the service then please let us know:

Email: edina@ed.ac.ukSurvey

Tel: 0131 650 3302

Survey: https://www.survey.ed.ac.uk/environment2014

For information on subscribing or renewing your access to Environment Digimap then please go to the relevant page in the Jisc Collections Catalogue:

Jisc Collections: Environment Digimap