Digimap Quality Improvements

SurveyOver 2012/13, EDINA conducted user satisfaction surveys for its Jisc-funded services including the four Digimap collection.

A large majority of the respondents found our services easy to use, saved them time and would recommend them to others. The survey results can be found for the services here:

We also examined some of the less positive feedback and suggestions made by our users to improve our services. We have summarised these suggestions in tables, along with our responses and actions, and graded them using the following formula:

  1. Done or due for release soon
  2. Do soon, requires little resource
  3. Already planned
  4. Put on to-do list, needs more effort
  5. Not achievable or beyond scope

The tables report the grades allocated and, where applicable, the explanation of why we have given them that grade:

Please contact us at edina@ed.ac.uk if you have any other suggestions for further improvements or comments on these tables.