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Dark matters

Crime, technology and society by Angus Bancroft
Dark matters

Prisons have already been abolished, and the police defunded

Contemporary social movements in the West either forget past achievements made in their name or hold them in outright contempt. That is damaging to their ability to identify and work towards concrete goals. It leads to the maximalist trend in current debate where no solution is satisfactory and potential allies …

Is it ever okay to override someone’s lived experience in your research? (This post discusses sexual assault)

Yes, absolutely, all the time, 100%, this is what you are here for, you must be prepared to do this and you wouldn’t be doing your job if you didn’t. Don’t pretend that you do not, and that you do not secretly think you know better than the people you …

Unit of analysis, unit of observation and what’s in your reality bag of tricks

I used to teach my students that they had to get the unit of analysis right and everything in their research design would flow from that. It is always important to avoid category errors but especially here. The example I used was if the unit of analysis was opinion. Institutions …

Crimetech – It’s like fintech, but not as much of a scam

Crimetech is a catch all for the technology developed by criminal enterprises to further their aims. It is the set of botnets, hacking tools,  bulletproof hosting and interfaces that join up criminal intent with their victims. (There is a company selling various bits kit for forensics called ‘CrimeTech’. They are …

Who put the literacy in digital literacy: Why is voice messaging absent in digital sociology, why are we obsessed with text, and why is this title longer than the post below?

Voice messaging sends prerecorded audio messages via messaging apps. Users can mix and match audio messages with other media such as text or visual.  Voice messaging allows people to get around the flatness of textual communication, adding tone and nuance. It requires greater intensity of engagement at the other end. …

Disinformation – you have no idea what it is so it beats me how you plan to fix it

Just adding to the rash of ‘stop thinking disinformation is the problem’ takes out there. The high cultural capital crew like to imagine there to be a bright line between illegal and illegal, organised and opportunistic, rational and emotional. And also that they know which side of the line they …

You never had and will never have the right to repair, or any other rights for that matter

If you see the ‘No user serviceable parts inside’ notice as a challenge, I am with you. I am in the class of people most open to the right to repair movement so I want to introduce some reflection on what it means and whether it is the right way …

What’s the difference between description and analysis? The myth of the unfakeable banknote

I often say to students ‘describe, then analyse’. Well, how do you know which one you are doing and what the difference between them is? And while we’re about it, what’s the difference between method and methodology, hmmm? There is really no fundamental difference. Description always involves a choice of …


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