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Dark matters

Crime, technology and society by Angus Bancroft
Dark matters

The real steal

In what sense is crime a coherent action category? There is the positivist sense that there is a state defined category of human action that justifies coercive control and we can leave it at that. That approach leads us up some blind alleys as key terms such as human trafficking …

I know you don’t want to talk about ontology so I plan to make you

Ontology and epistemology are two dimensions of research that are easily despatched in a sentence yet which give every research a lifetime of heartache. Ontology is the theory of the nature of reality, and epistemology of the acquisition and evaluation of knowledge about it. Both are facets of understanding. It …

The bedroom code – domesticating digital crime

Street encounters and digital encounters are hybrids. Trying to understand them separately will trip the ethnographer up (Lane, 2018). Lane elaborates the digital element to street encounters and the reverse using a multi-sited ethnography which traces encounters through street and digital domains. Doing so means he avoids assuming the meaning …

Questions about reading which are really about you, the reader, but are also about me, the writer

The kind of reading you do matters a lot to the kind of scholarship you are doing. The classic image of the scholar is someone poring carefully over a text, parsing each phrase and glossing every paragraph. A scholar isolated from the world around, unburdened by cares. I expect few …

Crimes of forgiveness

Forgiveness is good for the soul. Debt forgiveness is the juice that keeps the economy fresh. If all debts were honoured then capitalism would close up shop. Debt forgiveness can be  egalitarian. Social movements promoted the forgiveness of odious debts incurred by developing world governments. Debt cancellation has been a …


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