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an interdisciplinary experiment in cooperative learning
Week 10 minutes

Week 10 minutes

Sorry they’re late!

Minutes 21/11/18


  1. Commitments update
  2. Yammer
  3. WordPress
  4. Skills audit output
  5. Select who reviews reflective piece
  6. Levels of commitment
  7. Christmas party??
  8. Group updates
  9. Wrap up and reflections


Apologies: Caroline

  1. Commitments update
    1. Group project flexible
      1. Proposal: Group commit to be transparent and post what they are doing on Yammer
      2. PASSED
    2. What happens to Archive and Community groups?
  2. Yammer
    1. Sophia W to create new Yammer groups for each project where everyone would be added for transparency.
    2. PB: Is there chat function in Yammer? Facebook is more convenient and more easily use. Is it ok if they have separate chat as long as they update on Yammer?
      1. Sophia W is not on facebook and Sophia L not on messenger.
      2. More important is to publicize meetings and minutes/notes
  • ACTUALLY: Can create subgroups within our Yammer. That you can chose whether you join them or not. Rufus made it.
  1. Everybody has access to Yammer and WordPress?
    1. Pb of not receiving notifications and missing group meetings.
    2. Newsfeed is really random: we should organize it.
  • Now we can use new separate groups
  1. Gray doesn’t have access.
  2. Sophia L doesn’t know how to access back to the site. Sophia W will show her.
  1. WordPress
    1. Please change your nickname on WordPress so that you are not only a number! You can find a post of Alison explaining how to do it.
  2. Skills audit output
    1. Sophia W posted it in WordPress.
    2. We might not need to collectively train on all those skills
    3. What for? Would be for specific group projects or
    4. Dante would appreciate workshop on interviewing
      1. Waving hands in the room
      2. Cara proposed to help run one
    5. We could also have people from the outside
    6. Paula have access to facilitation and consensus workshops through PnP
    7. Sophia L on graphics
      1. Sophia W knows someone
    8. How to make that work?
      1. Should we have a think at the beginning of next semester
      2. We could discuss it next session as well
        1. Might take time if we want external people
  • AP Laerke to create headline on WordPress when people can comment on what they can provide
  1. Select who reviews reflective piece
    1. We picked up two names from boxes where all the names of course participants are written down.
    2. Lucie recorded who is in charge of who.
    3. AP Sophia to post it on WordPress
  2. Levels of commitment
    1. Discuss within smaller groups
      1. BUT we need someone to report it to, accountability.
      2. Actual amount of job will become clearer within groups
  • We could come up with check-in processes
  1. People who have taken this course have done so proactively so hopefully it won’t be a big problem
  2. How is participation usually recorded/marked?
    1. Peer-review idea of Gaby
  3. Idea of having a weekly check-in within groups
  1. Important to remember that some get credits, some take it for extra credits. So already quite unequal.
    1. But everybody is here as a choice even for extra credits, because you get something out from what you give.
      1. Waving hands
      2. BUT sometimes people end up committing less than what they expressed at first. We could have a Welfare person?
      3. It is important that people are communicative about it and let they group know in advance rather than gosthing last minute.
    2. Why are we worried about this in the first place?
      1. Being involved among groups without having too much
    3. We could have a personal summary of how we contributed to the group mid-term
    4. Groups can create timeline and objectives to follow-on how they are doing
    5. Creating a more personal way to work around it, it is never gonna be completely fair.
    6. Is it more about agreeing in principal about people telling us if they genuinely don’t have as much time.
      1. Good feeling in the room
    7. As we don’t have tangible list of things to do it would be easier to follow how is it going.
    8. Proposal: Each group could have an agreement about how we want this to work. Division of labour? Etc. PASSED
  2. Christmas party??
    1. Sophia W idea of screening Schooling the World movie and having a potluck dinner.
    2. Dates?
      1. After exams people might have left
      2. 30th? 5th? 7th? 14th?,
  • Let’s make a doodle!!! AP Lucie


  1. Groups updates
    1. Pedagogy and education group
      1. Project: assessing people’s feeling on how they experience education
      2. Creating a reading list in the next weeks before going ahead
  • Diverse amount of media they could present their content on, they will probably have a better idea of how they want to do it as they go.
  1. Reflective process on which questions to ask etc.
  2. Long term: what would be the focus/topic? As they were lots of topics under this.
    1. Project seen more as documenting people’s thoughts and reflection. Questions would be quite open.
  3. From reflection in bureaucracy group that there is a good part of bureaucracy and explore why people like it. Could take same approach as well on pedagogy and education?
    1. Pb of getting the actual thoughts of staff, anonymity, people might be shocked and haven’t think about it before
    2. Relates to how to document interviews
      1. Body language tells a lot.
  • Do they need to create an ethics form?
    1. Answer is YES! Niamh can help.
      1. Bureaucratization group is drafting some already so we can share the resources.
  • Can they post their reading list on the resource list of the course?
    1. Contact Sophia W if you need to create a new section
    2. To upload resources:
      1. You use ‘cite it’ button in discovered
      2. Put the reading in ‘my collection’
      3. In ‘my collection’ you can suggest the reading to the course organizer
    3. Permaculture group
      1. Have been looking at existing projects that they could plug-in.
        1. Geography building High School Yards Organic Garden
        2. Project of permaculture garden in KB
          1. Day trip next Friday 13th at Graham’s Bell Permaculture Garden on Scottish Borders. Contact Lucie if interested.
        3. Daytrips in Perma centers in Scotland
        4. Other bigger space to apply to in geography building
        5. GROW organic garden
      2. Also want to reflect on theory. Permaculture is a design tool.
  • How gardens can be educational spaces?
  1. Had some discussion about how to archive it.
  2. An output could be a resource for how to get involved in perma as a student?
  3. Can be interested to contact community gardens around the city.
    1. There is a website with a map.
    2. Could revive Permaculture Society?
    3. Could contact gardens in primary schools projects
    4. Could contact
  4. Bureaucratization
    1. Interview of staff experience of bureaucracy
      1. Expose backstage of what lecturers do to prepare/run a course
    2. Output
      1. Formal write-up
      2. Satirical play/video
        1. Adapting from materials of the interviews
  • Possible areas of interest?
    1. Consumer right act: 1 year notice before lecturers can change something to a course.
    2. Attendance for home office to monitor location of staff and students
    3. Tutor casualisation
    4. Differences across each schools
      1. So they might need more people to help for interviews around!!
    5. Include professional services staff
    6. Overarching question: How bureaucratization interferes with student-staff relations?
  1. How bureaucratisation affects lower paid staffs? Eg. Cleaners.
    1. No one documents what they are doing, they are asked to do the same thing twice.
    2. They are not directly employed by the university.
  2. Could write a satirical piece in a student newspaper so that it is more accessible?
    1. Rufus have access to student newspaper
  3. First staff survey have just been carried out
    1. One of main finding is that staff have no faith in leadership of uni.
    2. Might be accessible from email. Sophia W can access and post it on Yammer.
  4. How to incorporate Archive and Community?
    1. We could assign roles within each team to make sure it is integrated?
  5. Wrap up and reflections
    1. Course has failed and didn’t go as planned
      1. Ex: resource list never has been discussed
      2. It is something that we all have concerned about but we can take initiatives if we want to put something forward and propose how to do things differently.
    2. It took us a while to get going but we are at a good and interesting place now, it is a nice collaborative project.
    3. Interesting to think about how projects will relate with each others.



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