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an interdisciplinary experiment in cooperative learning
Commitments so far and questions for group/project work

Commitments so far and questions for group/project work

At the session on 14 Nov., we discussed a draft of the points below, and course members agreed on the following commitments:

  1. Course members commit to attending the sessions, and sending their apologies if they are unable to come (can be posted on Yammer or sent to Sophia)
  2. Course members will produce an individual reflection on some aspect of their experience of the course, in a format of their choice. This will be posted on the WordPress site by 5 Jan. 2019. Course members will produce a second reflection at the end of semester 2, date TBC.
  3. Course members will be responsible for providing comments/suggestions on the individual reflections of two other specific course members (to be chosen in semester 1, week 10) by 14 Jan. 2019, and encouraged to comment on the work of others as well.
  4. Course members will participate in one or more group projects.
  5. Each group/project (see below) will organize one session in semester 2 for which they will identify one or more readings, around what they are working on.
  6. Groups/projects will contribute readings for the course Resource List.
  7. Groups/projects will post materials on WordPress that can be useful for other groups/projects—e.g. ethics related materials.
  8. Groups/projects will provide records of their meetings so that others can keep up with what they are doing. Brief minutes or accounts will be sufficient.

Niamh and Sophia posed the following open questions regarding the process going forward, for further discussion. It would be good if people add to this list.

  1. To what extent do the five thematic clusters we’ve identified (bureaucracy, permaculture/sustainability, pedagogy/education/curriculum, creative/archiving, community) have specific group projects within them?
  2. In the session of 7 Nov., two of the clusters (creative/archive and community) dropped out of the picture. How do these concerns/activities continue going forward?
  3. How do we move from working mainly as one large group to working in smaller groups/projects?
  4. Can people be in more than one smaller group/project? How do smaller groups/projects work in relation to the larger group? Should smaller groups minute their process and share with larger group?
  5. Would it be useful for 3 and 4 above if outlines for projects are produced and shared, and feedback is given from others?
  6. How does this all fit together in relation to our vision, values and goals?
  7. What do we do if course members do not contribute in the ways agreed?






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