What we currently have in the proposal:
Two components:
- Participation in activities decided by the group: pass/fail
- Grade for course depends on independent piece of work—using self- and peer-assessment
Problem with that: no.1 doesn’t have a grade so not part of overall grade, if you fail no.1 but get a 70 on no.2 you have failed the course…. College has difficulty with this
Other proposals
Option 1: One compulsory component, one optional one (based on an existing model used by Shereen in Moray House)
- Group work with various activities specified, everyone gets mark of 65
- Students who want to do an additional piece of work can have (part of?) their grade decided on that
Option 2: Grade is based on final independent piece of work (can be marked with self- and peer-assessment) but designed in such a way that you have to have participated in the course fully to be able to do it (e.g. reflection that draws on a range of course activities)
Option 3: Two components:
- Participation in activities decided by the group: everyone who passes gets 65, worth 50/60% of course mark
- Independent piece of work of student’s choice (could be something done for component 1) graded using self- and peer-assessment, worth 40/50% of course mark
Other questions
How can we specify self- and peer-assessment? What are the parameters? Will people actually do it?