2.11 How will I build my teaching online presence
I like the ideas of introducing myself in a recording as part of staff introduction or ‘a warm bio with a picture’ but I think I prefer the video format.
Then for all the courses I teach, I would be happy to do a short video to introduce the course and what it means to me so that the students know how enthusiastic I am about the course 🙂
I wonder if I could also upload some of my Bright club videos as some of them include examples I use in my teaching.
Then when it comes to the day to day or week to week teaching, I will want to have a lightweight presence. Google hangouts once a month or every other month, prompts in lectures for forums, followed by email prompts if no action. Let students discuss and intervene only if needed, but always comment once to show that I’m there and I’m interested!
As a teacher I’ve always seen myself as an ‘encourager’ so my interventions in forums will be sparse but I’ll try to make them encouraging!
I also made a note about ‘weekly announcements’. There are a few of us teaching on the programme (3 core staff and soon a new person). Perhaps we could take it in turns to make weekly announcements about the teaching although that would require knowing exactly what my colleagues will do and that might not be time efficient? Perhaps I can do weekly announcements related to my teaching only, and the Programme Director can do weekly announcements about the programme itself?
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