Laura Lamiel — AWARE Women artists / Femmes artistes

Laura Lamiel — AWARE Women artists / Femmes artistes

‘Laura Lamiel began working with enamelled steel modules in 1985. Her interest lies in the possibilities offered by small-volume white bricks (15 x 33 x 4 cm), which she piles up or stands against walls. She uses these elements to explore monochromatic composition and research alternatives to minimalist structures. In the 90s, she combined these bricks with different materials and shapes, such as rolls of carpet, synthetic furs, used gloves, and ribbons. While industrially manufactured, these everyday objects stand out from their original inherent seriality in that they reflect life stories. Their worn-out aspect brings the neutrality of the plain module back to life. The works thus produced act as interferences that introduce doubt and affect the mind. The artist then moved on from soft, malleable objects (rubber, silicone, ribbon) to more rigid and fixed elements (shopping carts, chairs), arranging them into installations combining public space implements with geometrically shaped artistic objects.’