‘Laura Yuile is an artist based in London, UK. She creates sculpture, video and performance that often employs everyday household debris, cooking ingredients, stock imagery and home-spun techniques of production exploring the boundaries between public and private space, the fetishisation of transience, and notions of displacement and transformation in relation to the invisible infrastructures that shape our existence.

In Heavy View Yuile has collected outdated and malfunctioning TVs. Grouped together like constellations of overlapping pop-up windows on a computer desktop, the TV’s have had their screens partially or fully pebble dashed. This cheap architectural render is imbued with all the associations of suburbia, which Yuile employs as both a ‘white-noise’ and an urban camouflage. In doing so Yuile intends to make these salvaged objects disappear whilst simultaneously amplifying their ‘object-ness’ – giving them a renewed chance to exist as something else.’



