Analysis seminar
The Edinburgh Analysis Seminar is held in person at 3.05pm on Mondays in JCMB. It is currently organised by Linhan Li and Leonardo Tolomeo
Monday, 10 February 2025
JCMB 6206
Three discrete maximal functions in high dimensions – Gaussians, balls and spheres
Błażej Wróbel (University of Wrocław)
High-dimensional phenomena constitute a research theme that has been present in harmonic analysis for several decades. It was initiated by E. M. Stein in 1980s and important contributions were made by J. Bourgain, A. Carbery and D. Müller. The study of dimension-free estimates for Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions in the discrete setting was initiated several years ago by J. Bourgain, E. M. Stein, M. Mirek and myself. One of the most important open problems in this field is a question of E. M. Stein about a dimension-free estimates for discrete maximal function over balls.
I will discuss three discrete maximal functions: for Gaussians, balls, and spheres. The study of dimension-free estimates for these maximal functions requires bounding certain multiplier symbols, which are highly symmetric exponential sums. This calls for interdisciplinary tools from analytic number theory (Waring’s problem) and combinatorics. A preliminary step in the case of balls and spheres is a count of lattice points in these sets which has to be performed in a uniform (dimension-free) manner. I will report on recent progress with M. Mirek and T.Z. Szarek (spheres and Gaussians), and with J. Niksiński (balls and spheres). In particular, I will present an affirmative answer to Stein’s question when the supremum is restricted to small enough radii.
Spring 2025
Monday, 17 March 2025
JCMB 6206
Jiawei Li (University of Edinburgh)
Monday, 10 March 2025
JCMB 6206
Pieter Blue & Jan Sbierski (University of Edinburgh)
Monday, 3 March 2025
JCMB Lecture Theatre C
Juame de Dios Pont (ETH Zürich)
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Elizabeth Templeton Lecture Room, New College, Mound Pl
LMS Harmonic Analysis & PDE network meeting
Sam Chow (University of Warwick)
Nicola Visciglia (Università di Pisa)
Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow)
Jim Wright (University of Edinburgh)
Monday, 10 February 2025
JCMB 6206
Three discrete maximal functions in high dimensions – Gaussians, balls and spheres
Błażej Wróbel (University of Wrocław)
High-dimensional phenomena constitute a research theme that has been present in harmonic analysis for several decades. It was initiated by E. M. Stein in 1980s and important contributions were made by J. Bourgain, A. Carbery and D. Müller. The study of dimension-free estimates for Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions in the discrete setting was initiated several years ago by J. Bourgain, E. M. Stein, M. Mirek and myself. One of the most important open problems in this field is a question of E. M. Stein about a dimension-free estimates for discrete maximal function over balls.
I will discuss three discrete maximal functions: for Gaussians, balls, and spheres. The study of dimension-free estimates for these maximal functions requires bounding certain multiplier symbols, which are highly symmetric exponential sums. This calls for interdisciplinary tools from analytic number theory (Waring’s problem) and combinatorics. A preliminary step in the case of balls and spheres is a count of lattice points in these sets which has to be performed in a uniform (dimension-free) manner. I will report on recent progress with M. Mirek and T.Z. Szarek (spheres and Gaussians), and with J. Niksiński (balls and spheres). In particular, I will present an affirmative answer to Stein’s question when the supremum is restricted to small enough radii.
Monday, 3 February 2025
JCMB 6206
Hyperbolic nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Yuzhao Wang (University of Birmingham)
Hyperbolic Schrödinger equations have attracted increasing attention in recent years due to their newly discovered connections with water waves and the Boltzmann equation. In this talk, we begin by exploring some of these connections. We then present some recent advances in the solution theory of hyperbolic nonlinear Schrödinger equations on partial periodic and periodic domains. Specifically, we will discuss Strichartz estimates, which relate to the l^2 decoupling theory of non-positive Gaussian curvature surfaces, and unconditional well-posedness, which reduces to lattice counting estimates by using infinite iterations of normal form reduction.
Monday, 27 January 2025
JCMB 6206
Regularity of maximal functions
Julian Weigt (University of Warwick)
The classical Hardy-Littlewood maximal function theorem states that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is a bounded operator on L^p(ℝ^d) if and only if 1 < p <= ∞. In 1997 Juha Kinnunen proved the corresponding result for the gradient of the maximal function, i.e. that the L^p(ℝ^d)-norm of the gradient of the maximal function is controlled by the L^p(ℝ^d)-norm of the gradient of the function if 1 < p <= ∞. However, he provides no counterexample in the endpoint, leaving open the possibility that the gradient bound in fact holds also for p = 1.
In 2004 Hajłasz and Onninen formally posed the question if the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on ℝ^d satisfies the endpoint gradient bound. It has since attracted considerable attention, motivated by to the elementary nature of the maximal operator and by the relative simplicity of the proof of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function theorem and of Kinnunens 1997 result. Many special cases, generalizations and variations of this problem have been explored, with partial success. The original question by Hajłasz and Onninen remains unanswered.
Monday, 20 January 2025
JCMB 6206
Symmetric low-regularity integrators for dispersive nonlinear equations
Georg Maierhofer (University of Cambridge)
Dispersive nonlinear partial differential equations can be used to describe a range of physical systems, from water waves to spin states in ferromagnetism. The numerical approximation of solutions with limited differentiability (low-regularity) is crucial for simulating fascinating phenomena arising in these systems including emerging structures in random wave fields and dynamics of domain wall states, but it poses a significant challenge to classical algorithms. Recent years have seen the development of tailored low-regularity integrators to address this challenge. Inherited from their description of physicals systems many such dispersive nonlinear equations possess a rich geometric structure, such as a Hamiltonian formulation and conservation laws. To ensure that numerical schemes lead to meaningful results, it is vital to preserve this structure in numerical approximations. This, however, results in an interesting dichotomy: the rich theory of existent structure-preserving algorithms is typically limited to classical integrators that cannot reliably treat low-regularity phenomena, while most prior designs of low-regularity integrators break geometric structure in the equation. In this talk, we will outline recent advances incorporating structure-preserving properties into low-regularity integrators. Starting from simple discussions on the nonlinear Schrödinger and the Korteweg–de Vries equation we will discuss the construction of such schemes for a general class of dispersive equations before demonstrating an application to the simulation of low-regularity vortex filaments. This is joint work with Yvonne Alama Bronsard, Valeria Banica, Yvain Bruned, Yue Feng, Chushan Wang and Katharina Schratz.
Monday, 13 January 2025
JCMB 5327
On some Thomas-Fermi type variational problems
Damiano Greco (University of Edinburgh)
We consider two different Thomas–Fermi type problems, a repulsive and an attractive case.
The first problem concerns studying the existence and qualitative properties of the minimizers for a Thomas—Fermi type energy functional with non local repulsion involving a convolution with the Riesz kernel and an interaction with an external potential. Under mild assumptions on the latter, we can establish uniqueness and qualitative properties such as positivity, regularity, and decay at infinity of the global minimizer.
The second problem concerns the study of optimizers of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg type inequality again involving a convolution with the Riesz kernel. Such a problem is well understood in connection with Keller—Segel models and appears in the study of Thomas—Fermi limit regimes for the Choquard equations with local repulsion and non local attraction.
Autumn 2024
Maxwell Analysis Mini-Symposium
The slides of the talks can be found on Heriot-Watt Analysis seminar webpage.
27 November 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM,
Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre at the Medical School.
The talk will start with a brief history of finite time blow-up solutions for critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS) in various contexts. Once the stage is set, the construction of a finite time blow-up solution for the critical NLS on a star graph with delta interaction will be presented. The simplest configuration of a graph with two branches corresponds to the NLS on the line with a “delta potential” at the origin. The general case involves a one-dimensional Laplace operator on the graph with Robin boundary conditions at the vertex. The blow-up analysis relies on the resolution of the nonlinear Cauchy problem within the domain of the corresponding linear operator. This is joint work with Stefan Le Coz and Julien Royer.

Monday, 16 September 2024
JCMB 6206
The dimension of random subsets of Cantor sets defined by trees of coin flips
Lauritz Streck (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract: Allaart and Jones considered a procedure to choose random subsets of a Cantor set with a binary tree of coin flips and proved upper and lower bounds for the dimension of these sets. In the talk, we show the exact value of this dimension. While the problem is phrased in terms of fractal sets, the proof relies only on counting and energy arguments.
Monday, 23 September 2024
JCMB 6206
Pointwise localization and sharp weighted bounds for Rubio de Francia square functions
Mikel Florez (BCAM)
Monday, 30 September 2024
JCMB 5328
Dimension interpolation and exceptional set estimates
Ana Emilia de Orellana (St. Andrews)
Abstract: Since Marstrand’s work on orthogonal projections, exceptional set estimates for such projections have been widely studied. Salem sets, i.e. sets for which the Fourier and Hausdorff dimension coincide, have no such exceptions, but using the Fourier dimension alone to improve exceptional set estimates leads to discontinuous bounds. In this talk we will see what conditions we need on the Fourier decay of measures to ensure continuity of the bounds. Joint work with Jonathan Fraser.
Monday, 7 October 2024
JCMB 6206
Fourier multipliers on SL(2,Z) and SL(2,R)
Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow)

Monday, 14 October 2024
JCMB 5328
Sharp Fourier restriction over finite fields
Cristian González-Riquelme (Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon)
Monday, 21 October 2024
JCMB 6206
Uniform Boundedness for Linearised Gravity on Schwarzschild from the Canonical Energy
Sam Collingbourne (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss a robust method for producing a conservation law for linearised gravity on a stationary spacetime: the canonical energy of Hollands and Wald. Whilst its coercivity properties are obscure, I will argue that it can be used to obtain a uniform boundedness result for the gauge invariant Teukolsky variables, on the 4-dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime, which govern the linearised dynamics. Remarkably, this does not rely on the (decoupled) Teukolsky equation or the transformation theory associated to it. Time permitting, I will discuss recent progress towards producing a coercive estimate for linearised gravity on the higher dimensional Schwarzschild solution where both the decoupling and transformation theory fails. This work is joint with Gustav Holzegel.
Scottish-Basque Analysis meeting
Room 2.30, Edinburgh Futures Institute, 1 Lauriston Place, October 28-30, 2024
Monday, 4 November 2024
Theatre 201, Geology/Grant Institute
An intersection of CS and harmonic analysis: approximating matrix p to q norms
Dominique Maldague (University of Cambridge)
Abstract: In Fourier restriction theory, we bound exponential sums whose frequencies lie in sets with special properties, e.g. random sets or curved sets. Bourgain, Demeter, and Guth proved sharp decoupling inequalities, which show that many such functions enjoy square root cancellation behavior. This theory lies in the larger context of bounding matrix p to q norms, which is well-studied in the CS literature. We will discuss a new polynomial time algorithm of myself, Guth, and Urschel that is inspired by Fourier restriction theory and which reduces the multiplicative error of computing matrix 2 to q norms from roughly n^{1/q} to n^{1/2q}, where n is the size of the matrix.
Monday, 11 November 2024
JCMB 5328
Counting Rational Points near Smooth Manifolds
Rajula Srivastava (University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
How many rational points with denominator of a given size lie within a certain distance from a compact, ”non-degenerate” manifold? This talk is about some recent progress towards answering this question. We shall describe how the geometric and analytic properties of the manifold play a key role in determining this count, and present a heuristic for the same. We shall then discuss how Fourier analytic techniques can be exploited to establish the desired asymptotic for rational points near manifolds satisfying certain strong geometric conditions. The key proof ingredient is a bootstrapping argument relying on Poisson summation, projective duality and oscillatory integral techniques.
Monday, 18 November 2024
JCMB 6206
Stability and instability of extremal black holes
Dejan Gajic (Leipzig University)
Abstract: Extremal black holes are critical members of families of black hole spacetime solutions to Einstein’s equations of general relativity that lie exactly on a phase transition from “black hole” to “no black hole”. As a result, they exhibit several interesting dynamical phenomena that are not present in sub-extremal (“sub-critical”) black holes. Most notably, the question of their dynamical stability under small initial data perturbations remains open. I will formulate what “stability” of extremal black hole might mean and then discuss why a positive answer to the stability question is much more subtle than in the sub-extremal setting by considering a simplified problem, the linear wave equation on an fixed extremal Kerr background spacetime.
Maxwell Analysis Mini-Symposium
The slides of the talks can be found on Heriot-Watt Analysis seminar webpage.
27 November 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM,
Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre at the Medical School.
The talk will start with a brief history of finite time blow-up solutions for critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS) in various contexts. Once the stage is set, the construction of a finite time blow-up solution for the critical NLS on a star graph with delta interaction will be presented. The simplest configuration of a graph with two branches corresponds to the NLS on the line with a “delta potential” at the origin. The general case involves a one-dimensional Laplace operator on the graph with Robin boundary conditions at the vertex. The blow-up analysis relies on the resolution of the nonlinear Cauchy problem within the domain of the corresponding linear operator. This is joint work with Stefan Le Coz and Julien Royer.

Summer 2024
Friday 24 May at 2 pm
JCMB 6201
Multilinear and Weighted Estimates for Oscillatory Integral Operators
David Rule (Linköping University)
Abstract: We discuss the classical T1 theorem of David and Journé on the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators and recall some equivalent versions of this result. We also mention a version of the T1 theorem for
the compactness of Calderón-Zygmund operators. The last part of the talk is based on some recent joint work with Guopeng Li (UoE), Tadahiro Oh (UoE) and Rodolfo Torres (UC Riverside). The talk is an introduction to a celebrated result in harmonic analysis and is mostly intended for beginning graduate students in analysis and PDEs.
Thursday 11 July at 3 pm
JCMB 5323
Some Developments in the Eigenvalue Distribution of Spatio-Spectral Limiting Operators in two domains
Azita Mayeli (City University of New York)
Abstract: Let ,
be bounded measurable sets in
. Let
be the orthogonal projection on the subspace of functions with compact support on
, and let
be the orthogonal projection on the subspace of functions with Fourier transforms having compact support on
. We define the \emph{spatio-spectral limiting operator} as a composition of the orthogonal projections

Spring 2024
Monday, 15 Janurary 2024
JCMB 5323
Variable coefficient Lp local smoothing and applications
Jonathan Hickman (UoE)
Wednesday 3.05pm, 24 Janurary 2024
JCMB 5323
Future stability of spatially homogeneous Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker solutions of the Einstein–massless Vlasov system
Martin Taylor (Imperial College London)
Abstract: Spatially homogeneous Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker solutions constitute an infinite dimensional family of cosmological solutions of the Einstein–massless Vlasov system. Each member describes a spatially homogenous universe, filled with massless particles, evolving from a big bang singularity and expanding towards the future at a decelerated rate. I will present a theorem on the future stability of this family to spherically symmetric perturbations.
Monday, 29 Janurary 2024
JCMB 5323
Rectifiability and tangents in a rough Riemannian setting
Max Goering (University of Jyvaskyla)
Abstract: In the 1920s Besicovitch asked the question: What can one say about the structure of sets in the plane, with the property that
for almost every
? In 1987 Preiss gave a complete answer to Besicovitch’s density question in the setting of measures. This groundbreaking work relies on his introduction of tangent measures. This talk will introduce tangent measures, their properties that make them so widely applicable, and discuss recent joint work with Tatiana Toro and Bobby Wilson where we introduce an anisotropic analog of tangent measures called
-tangents. I will then discuss applications of
-tangents to understanding geometric regularity of the support of a measure given analytic properties of the measure and relationships to PDE.
Monday, 5 February 2024
JCMB 5323
Deep-water and shallow-water limits of statistical equilibria for the intermediate long wave equation
Guopeng Li (UoE)
The Intermediate Long Wave equation (ILW) models the internal wave propagation of the interface in a stratified fluid of finite depth, establishing a natural connection between the deep-water regime (the Benjamin-Ono (BO) regime) and the shallow-water regime (the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) regime). In this talk, I will address convergence issues for ILW from a statistical mechanics viewpoint at different energy levels. By exploiting both the Hamiltonian and completely integrable structure of ILW, BO, and KdV, I will delve into the convergence of Hamiltonian and higher-order conservation laws for ILW, along with their associated measures and dynamics. Two interesting phenomena arise: (i) the modes of convergence of the measures in the deep-water and shallowwater limits differ. (ii) KdV, appearing in the shallow-water limit, possesses half as many conservation laws as ILW and BO, leading to a 2-to-1 collapse phenomenon.
This talk is based on joint works with Tadahiro Oh, Andreia Chapouto (both Edinburgh) and Guangqu Zheng (Liverpool).
Monday, 12 February 2024
JCMB 5323
Elliptic PDE with Hölder data in rough sets
Pablo Hidalgo-Palencia (ICMAT)
Abstract: It has been known already for 100 years, since the work of Wiener, that domains need to satisfy some geometric conditions in order for harmonic functions to attain their boundary values in a continuous way. These geometric conditions in fact turn out to be valid for a much wider class of operators, as Littman, Stampacchia and Weinberger showed later (1963).
In this talk, we will explore the quantitative extension of the last result: we will characterize the domains in which the Dirichlet problem with Hölder continuous boundary datum has solutions which arrive to the boundary in the desirable Hölder continuous way. Indeed, we will show that the capacity density condition that Aikawa (2002) showed to be optimal for the Laplacian, in fact works for general elliptic operators with merely bounded coefficients. This is joint work with M. Cao, J.M. Martell, C. Prisuelos-Arribas and Z. Zhao.Monday, 19 February 2024 (Flexible Learning Week)
Monday, 26 February 2024
JCMB 5323
Stochastic compactness method and the Camassa–Holm equation with gradient noise
Peter H.C. Pang (University of Oslo)
In this talk I intend to give an overview of a general schema for establishing existence of solutions in nonlinear SPDEs, and outline an application to the inviscid limit of the Camassa–Holm equation with gradient noise. The Camassa–Holm equation is a bi-Hamiltonian, nonlocal equation that exhibits non-uniqueness after a particular mode of blow-up known as wave-breaking. This talk is aimed at a general analysis audience, but I shall touch on interesting particulars of this equation and of gradient-type noise. This is primarily based on joint work with Helge Holden (NTNU), Kenneth Karlsen (Oslo), and Luca Galimberti (KCL) (2024, JDE,
Monday, 4 March 2024
JCMB 5323
Global stability of Kaluza-Klein spacetimes
Zoe Wyatt (University of Cambridge)
Abstract: Spacetimes formed from the cartesian product of Minkowski spacetime and a compact space play an important role in supergravity and string theory. In this talk I will discuss a recent joint work with C. Huneau and A. Stingo showing the nonlinear classical stability of such a product spacetime in the case when the compact space is a flat torus. I will also explain how our result is connected to claims of Penrose and Witten.
Monday, 11 March 2024
JCMB 5323
Sharp quasi-invariance threshold for the cubic Szeg\H{o} equation
James Coe (UoE)
Friday, 15 March 2024 2pm to 5:20pm
ICMS Lecture Theatre
Maxwell Analysis Mini-Symposium
Grigori Rozenbloum (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Title: Weyl asymptotics for eigenvalues of Poincare-Steklov problem in a domain with Lipschitz boundary
Abstract: The Poincare-Steklov eigenvalue problem is a second order elliptic equation with spectral parameter in the boundary condition, for example
This problem is presently of high interest both in pure mathematics and applications. One of questions arising around this problem is the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues. The initial result, for a rather smooth boundary, was obtained in 1955 by L.Sandgren. After this, the conditions on the boundary were being gradually relaxed, but the question about the validity of the asymptotic formula for a Lipschitz boundary stood open and challenging since 2006. The approach by the Author consist in the initial reduction the problem to the one in a smooth domain but with highly irregular coefficients of the equation and further approximation by equations with smooth coefficients. Some ideas in the proof may be interested in the study of other spectral problems.
Susanna Terracini (University of Turin, Italy)
Title: Rotating Spirals in competition-difuision systems
Eugene Shargorodsky (King’s College London)
Title: Variations on Liouville’s theorem
Abstract: A classical theorem of Liouville states that a function that is analytic and bounded on the entire complex plane is in fact constant. The same conclusion is true for a function that is harmonic and bounded on .
The talk discusses generalisations of Liouville’s theorem to nonlocal translation-invariant operators. It is based on a joint work with D. Berger and R.L. Schilling, and a further joint work with the same co-authors and T. Sharia. We consider operators with continuous but not necessarily infinitely smooth symbols.
It follows from our results that if , then, under suitable conditions, every polynomially bounded weak solution
of the equation
is in fact a polynomial, while sub-exponentially growing solutions admit analytic continuation to entire functions on
Monday, 18 March 2024
JCMB 5323
90 years of pointwise ergodic theory
Ben Krause (University of Bristol)
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the greatest hits in pointwise ergodic theory, beginning with the work of Birkhoff, focusing on that of Bourgain, and concluding with work done post-covid.
Monday, 25 March 2024
JCMB 5323
The Dirac equation in dispersive PDEs: advances and open problems
Federico Cacciafesta(The university of Padova)
The Dirac equation is one of the fundamental equations in relativistic quantum mechanics, widely used in a large number of applications from physics to quantum chemistry. The aim of this talk will be to discuss some recent results, together with a number of open questions, concerning the dynamics for this model: after briefly reviewing the main properties of the Dirac operator and providing some background and motivations from the theory of linear dispersive PDEs, we shall mainly focus onto some scaling critical models, namely the Dirac-Coulomb and the Dirac-Aharonov Bohm equations, showing how some linear estimates (in particular, Strichartz estimates) can be obtained by exploiting the spectral properties of the operator.
Tuesday, 26 March 2024, 2:05 pm
Lecture Theatre B
T1 theorem: boundedness and compactness of Calderón-Zygmund operators
Arpad Benyi (Western Washington University)
We discuss the classical T1 theorem of David and Journé on the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators and recall some equivalent versions of this result. We also mention a version of the T1 theorem for
the compactness of Calderón-Zygmund operators. The last part of the talk is based on some recent joint work with Guopeng Li (UoE), Tadahiro Oh (UoE) and Rodolfo Torres (UC Riverside). The talk is an introduction to a celebrated result in harmonic analysis and is mostly intended for beginning graduate students in analysis and PDEs.
Previous semester
Autumn 2023
Monday, 18th September 2023
Disproving the Deift conjecture: the loss of almost periodicity
Andreia Chapouto (University of Edinburgh)
Monday, 25 September 2023
Counterexamples to the typical behaviour of elliptic measures on fractals
Polina Perstneva (Université Paris-Saclay)

Wednesday 3 pm, 27 September 2023
JCMB 5326
On elliptic and parabolic PDEs in double divergence form
Seick Kim (Yonsei University)

An important example of a double divergence form equation is the stationary Kolmogorov equation for invariant measures of a diffusion process.

Monday, 02 October 2023
JCMB 5323
Global well-posedness and quasi-invariance of Gaussian measures for fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equations,
Justin Forlano (University of Edinburgh)
In this talk, we discuss the long-time dynamics and statistical properties of solutions to the cubic fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation (FNLS) on the one-dimensional torus, with Gaussian initial data of negative regularity. We prove that FNLS is almost surely globally well-posed and the associated Gaussian measure is quasi-invariant under the flow. In lower-dispersion settings, the regularity of the initial data is below that amenable to the deterministic well-posedness theory. In our approach, inspired by the seminal work by DiPerna-Lions (1989), we shift attention from the flow of FNLS to controlling solutions to the infinite-dimensional Liouville equation of the transported Gaussian measure. We establish suitable bounds in this setting, which we then transfer back to the equation by adapting Bourgain’s invariant measure argument to quasi-invariant measures.
This is a joint work with Leonardo Tolomeo (University of Edinburgh).
Monday, 09 October 2023
JCMB 5323
Assouad dimension and tangents of dynamically invariant sets
Alex Rutar (University of St. Andrews)
A tangent of a compact set is an accumulation point in Hausdorff distance given by ‘zooming in’ at a given point. For general compact sets, it is well-known that the Assouad dimension is characterized by dimensions of weak tangents (where the location of zooming in is allowed to change), but not necessarily characterized by tangents. However, for sets satisfying some form of dynamical invariance, it is reasonable to expect that more can be said. In fact, one would hope that most points have tangents that are as large as possible. I will discuss such phenomena in general, and for some particular families of sets which arise as attractors of iterated function systems. This is based on joint work with Antti Käenmäki (University of Oulu).
Monday, 16 October 2023
JCMB 5323
A semiclassical trace norm bound on certain commutators
Søren Mikkelsen
In a series of papers N. Benedikter, M. Porta and B. Schlein considered time evolution of systems of elementary particles (fermions). In these studies, they were able to describe how the particles evolve in time in certain settings given some initial state of the system. One assumption on the initial state was concerning a semiclassical bound on certain commutators. A mean-field version of this bound takes the form
where is a Schrödinger operator,
is either the position operator
or the momentum operator
is a positive constant and
denotes the trace norm. In this talk we will discuss ideas and methods used in a proof of such semiclassical commutator bounds.
Monday, 23 October 2023
JCMB 5323
Weak turbulence on Schwarzschild-AdS spacetime
Georgios Moschidis (EPFL)
Monday, 30 October 2023
JCMB 5323
A Kakeya maximal function in the (first) Heisenberg group
Pietro Wald (University of Warwick)
The Kakeya conjecture is a prominent open problem in analysis, sitting at the intersection of geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis, and PDE.
Friday, 3 November 2023
JCMB 5323
Maxwell Analysis Mini-Symposium
Lucio Galeati (EPFL)
Regularisation by transport noise for 2D fluid dynamics equations
Abstract: A major question in fluid dynamics is to understand whether solutions to 2D incompressible Euler equations with -valued vorticity are unique, for some
. A related problem, more probabilistic in flavour, is whether one can find a physically meaningful noise restoring well-posedness of the PDE.
In this talk I will present some recent advances on the latter, for a class of slightly regularised 2D Euler-type equations (specifically, logEuler and hypodissipative Navier-Stokes), in the presence of a rough Kraichnan-type noise, modelling the small scales of a turbulent fluid; uniqueness in law can then be shown for solutions with -valued vorticity.
Based on a joint work with Dejun Luo (Beijing).
Joan Verdera (UAB)
Explicit minimisers of non-local energies
Abstract: Abstract_Verdera_Edinburgh.pdf
Monday, 13 November 2023
JCMB 5323
Singular integrals in Banach function spaces
Zoe Nieraeth (she/her), (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
Abstract: Singular integrals arise when studying properties of the solution of a given PDE by applying them to the initial data. Classically, this was studied for data belonging to weighted Lebesgue spaces. However, this is not always the right setting for every problem. For example, in recent years problems involving non-homogeneous data have been studied through weighted variable Lebesgue spaces, and elliptic boundary value problems through weighted Morrey spaces. These spaces are examples of the generalized notion of Banach function spaces. In this talk I will discuss a unification and extension to a limited range setting of some results classically studied for weighted Lebesgue spaces, such as the Rubio de Francia extrapolation theorem, through this general framework. I will also discuss an application to compact extrapolation that is part of a joint work with Emiel Lorist.
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Newhaven Lecture Theatre, 15 South College Street, 2:30pm – 5pm
Joint Maxwell Analysis Seminar
Shape Optimisation for nonlocal anisotropic energies
Lucia Scardia (Heriot-Watt)
Abstract: TBC
The Euclidean
theory as the limit of an interacting Bose gas
Vedran Sohinger (Warwick)
Abstract: Gibbs measures of nonlinear Schrödinger equations are a fundamental object used to study low-regularity solutions with random initial data. In the dispersive PDE community, this point of view was pioneered by Bourgain in the 1990s. On the other hand, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation can be viewed a classical limit of many-body quantum theory. We are interested in the problem of the derivation of Gibbs measures as mean-field limits of Gibbs states in many-body quantum mechanics.
The particular case we consider is when the dimension d=2 and when the interaction potential is the delta function, which corresponds to the Euclidean theory. The limit that we consider corresponds to taking the density to be large and the range of the interaction to be small in a controlled way. Our proof is based on two main ingredients.
(a) An infinite-dimensional stationary phase argument, based on a functional integral representation.
(b) A Nelson-type estimate for a nonlocal field theory in two dimensions.
This is joint work with J.Fröhlich, A. Knowles, and B. Schlein.
Monday, 27 November 2023
JCMB 5323
Heat flow regularisation, Brascamp—Lieb inequality, and convex
Shohei Nakamura (Birmingham & Osaka)
Abstract:This talk is based on the joint work with Hiroshi Tsuji (Osaka, Japan).
A close link between Brascamp—Lieb inequality and convex geometry was discovered by Kieth Ball; volume ratio estimate, reverse isoperimetric problem, Buseman-Petty problem etc.
In this talk we will report further link to the volume product of a convex body (Blaschke—Santaló inequality and Mahler’s conjecture).
Our principal observation is to understand the volume product as a regularising effect of the Ornstein—Uhlenbeck heat flow (hypercontractivity) which is one of archetype example of Brascamp—Lieb inequality. We then exhibit a wealth of this new link.
Thursday, 7 December 2023
JCMB 5323
Hyperbolic sine-Gordon model beyond the first threshold
Younes Zine (EPFL)
Abstract: Over the last twenty years there has been significant progress in the well-posedness study of singular random dispersive PDEs with polynomial nonlinearities. The scenario when the nonlinearity is non-polynomial is however still poorly understood. The objective of this talk is to discuss recent progress in this direction. More precisely, I will discuss a joint work with T. Oh (Edinburgh) where we improve on the well-posedness issue for the hyperbolic sine-Gordon model introduced by Oh, Robert, Sosoe and Wang (2021). This model corresponds to the two-dimensional damped wave equation with the sine nonlinearity, forced by an additive space-time white noise.
I will first briefly review the well-posedness issue for singular stochastic wave equations with polynomial nonlinearities and explain why the tools and methods developed for their study are not applicable to the sine-Gordon equation at hand. I will then introduce a novel analytical setup, which we call the physical Fourier restriction norm method, that is well-suited for the study of random wave equations with non-polynomial nonlinearities. In particular, I will describe how, in this setting, the recent resolution of the three-dimensional cone multiplier conjecture by Guth, Wang and Zhang (2019) allows us to prove key deterministic bilinear estimates.
In the second part of the talk, I will provide details on the proof of the so-called nonlinear smoothing for the imaginary Gaussian multiplicative chaos, within the framework of the physical Fourier restriction norm method. This constitutes the main probabilistic step in our argument.
Spring 2023
Monday, 16 Jan 2023
Hyperbolic P(\Phi)_2 model on the plane
Hiro Oh (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract:I will discuss well-posedness of the stochastic damped nonlinear wave equation (SdNLW) forced by a space-time white noise with the Gibbsian initial data. This problem is also known as the hyperbolic -model since it corresponds to the so-called canonical stochastic quantization of the
-measure. In this talk, our main goal is to study this problem on the plane.
I will first go over the well-posedness result on the two-dimensional torus studied by Gubinelli-Koch-Oh-Tolomeo (2022). Then, by taking a large torus limit, I aim to construct invariant Gibbs dynamics for the hyperbolic -model on the plane.
In taking a large torus limit, I will discuss
(i) the construction of a -measure on the plane as a limit of the
-measures on large tori. This is done by establishing coming-down-from-infinity for the associated stochastic nonlinear heat equation (SNLH) on the plane.
(ii) the construction of invariant Gibbs dynamics for the hyperbolic -model on the plane by taking a limit of the invariant Gibbs dynamics on large tori. Our strategy is inspired by a recent work by Oh-Okamoto-Tolomeo (2021) on the hyperbolic
-model on the three-dimensional torus, where we reduce the problem to studying convergence of the so-called enhanced Gibbs measures. By combining wave and heat analysis together with ideas from optimal transport theory, I establish convergence of the enhanced Gibbs measures.
This talk is based on a joint work with Leonardo Tolomeo (The University of Edinburgh), Yuzhao Wang (University of Birmingham), and Guangqu Zheng (University of Liverpool).
Monday, 30 Jan 2023
Local well-posedness of a quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the two-dimensional torus.
Ruoyuan Liu (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract: In this talk, I will present results on local well-posedness of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) with the quadratic nonlinearity |u|^2, posed on the two-dimensional torus, from both determinstic and probabilistic points of view.
For the deterministic well-posedness, Bourgain (1993) proved local well-posedness of the quadratic NLS in H^s for any s > 0. In this talk, I will go over local well-posedness in L^2, thus resolving an open problem of 30 years since Bourgain (1993). In terms of ill-posedness in negative Sobolev spaces, this result is sharp. As a corollary, a multilinear version of the conjectural L^3-Strichartz estimate on the two-dimensional torus is obtained.
For the probabilistic well-posedness, I will talk about almost sure local well-posedness of the quadratic NLS with random initial data distributed according to a fractional derivative of the Gaussian free field, and also a certain probabilistic ill-posedness result when the initial data becomes very rough. In particular, this part of the talk shows that the prediction on the critical regularity made by the probabilistic scaling due to Deng, Nahmod, and Yue (2019) breaks down for this model.
The first part of the talk is based on a joint work with Tadahiro Oh (The University of Edinburgh).
Monday, 6 Feb 2023
Magnitude, diversity, homology
Emily Roff (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract: Magnitude is an isometric invariant of metric spaces, usually interpreted as assigning to each space a real-valued function on the positive half-line. Though its provenance is category-theoretic, the magnitude function of a compact metric space turns out to be a geometrically rich invariant, its asymptotics carrying subtle information about the intrinsic volumes of a space and the Willmore energy.
In recent years there have been rapid advances in our understanding of the magnitude function, particularly for submanifolds of Euclidean space—yet, many interesting questions still stand open. This talk will introduce the theory and survey recent results due to Gimperlein, Goffeng, Louca and Meckes. I will also describe aspects of my own work, joint with Leinster and extending results due to Leinster and Meckes, which link the study of magnitude to problems in the quantification of ecological diversity. Finally, I will sketch the connection to magnitude homology, an algebraic invariant designed to `categorify’ the magnitude function. Throughout, I will foreground open questions of an analytic nature.
Monday, 13 Feb 2023
Microscopic derivation of Gibbs measures for the 1D focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Andrew Rout (University of Warwick)
Abstract: Gibbs measures for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) are important objects used to study low-regularity almost sure well-posedness. On the other hand, the NLS can be viewed as a limit of many-body quantum mechanics. In this talk we describe the derivation of Gibbs measures from their many-body quantum analogues.In particular, we consider dimension d=1 with a non-positive interaction potential. The proof is based off a perturbative expansion of the Hamiltonian and a diagrammatic representation of the interaction.
This is based on joint work with Vedran Sohinger.
Monday, 20 Feb 2023
A sharp Fourier extension inequality on the circle under arithmetic constraints
Valentina Ciccone (Universität Bonn)
Abstract:In this talk, we discuss a sharp Fourier extension inequality on the circle in the Stein-Tomas endpoint case for functions whose spectrum satisfies a certain arithmetic constraint. Such arithmetic constraint corresponds to a generalization of the notion of -set.
This talk is based on a joint work with Felipe Gonçalves.
Monday, 6 March 2023
Boundary preimages of linear combinations of iterates of Blaschke products
Spyridon Kakaroumpas (University of Würzburg)

Monday, 13 March 2023
Dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets
Amlan Banaji (Loughborough University)
Monday, 27 March 2023
Solvability of the Poisson problem with interior data in
Carleson spaces and its applications to the regularity problem.
Bruno Poggi Cevallos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Friday, 31 March 2023, 14:00 – 17:30, Appleton Tower Lecture Theatre 3
Maxwell Mini-Symposium in Harmonic Analysis and PDE
Nicolas Burq (Universite Paris-Saclay and Institut Universitaire de France),
Mathieu Lewin (CNRS and Universite Paris Dauphine, France),
Maciej Zworski (UC Berkeley, USA)
14:00 – 14:50: Nicolas Burq (Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Universitaire de France)
Title: Propagation of Smallness, Control and Stabilisation
Abstract: Control and stabilization are now well understood when controls or damping act on open sets. When they act on measurable sets only, much remains to be understood. In this talk I will present results in this direction. In most cases (but not always) the results I will present will rely on the quantitative results of Logunov/Malinnikova for harmonic functions that can be translated into control or stabilisation results for heat, waves or Schrodinger equations. Most of the results presented in the talk are in collaboration with I. Moyano (Univ. Nice).
15:00 – 15:50: Mathieu Lewin (CNRS and Université Paris Dauphine, France)
Title: Derivation of nonlinear Gibbs measures from many-body quantum mechanics
Abstract: In this talk, I will define and discuss some probability measures in infinite dimensions, which play an important role in (S)PDE, in Quantum Field Theory and for the description of Bose-Einstein condensates. Those are Gibbs measures associated with nonlinear Schrodinger-type energies. In dimensions larger than or equal to 2, the measures concentrate on distributions, and they need to be properly renormalized. After presenting the Gibbs measures, I will explain how to derive them from many-body quantum mechanics. Joint works with Phan Thanh Nam (Munich) and Nicolas Rougerie (Lyon).
16:30 – 17:20: Maciej Zworski (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Title: Mathematics of magic angles
Abstract: Magic angles are a hot topic in condensed matter physics: when two sheets of graphene are twisted by those angles the resulting material is superconducting. I will present a very simple operator whose spectral properties are thought to determine which angles are magical. It comes from a 2019 PR Letter by Tarnopolsky–Kruchkov–Vishwanath. The mathematics behind this is an elementary blend of representation theory (of the Heisenberg group in characteristic three), Jacobi theta functions and spectral instability of non-self-adjoint operators (involving Hormander’s bracket condition in a very simple setting). Recent mathematical progress also includes the proof of existence of generalized magic angles and computer assisted proofs of existence of real ones (Luskin–Watson, 2021). The results will be illustrated by colourful numerics which suggest many open problems (joint work with S Becker, M Embree, J Wittsten in 2020 and S Becker, T Humbert and M Hitrik in 2022).
Monday, 3 April 2023, 2.05pm
Retiring the third law of black hole thermodynamics
Ryan Unger (Princeton University)
Monday, 3 April 2023, 3.00pm JCMB_Lecture Theatre B
The modified Korteweg-de Vries flow around self-similar solutions:
large-time asymptotics and blow-up stabilitySimão Correia (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Abstract: Self-similar solutions for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation are
of both physical and mathematical interest. On the physical side, among several applications, they model the formation of sharp corners in planar vortex patches. Mathematically, they describe the asymptotic behavior of solutions for large times and present a blow-up behavior at the initial time. Due to their scaling invariance, these solutions display several critical features (time decay, spatial decay and regularity), which means that the existing theory is not applicable. In this talk, I will show that one can define the flow around these solutions in order to analyze both the long-time and the blow-up asymptotics. Afterwards, I will present a stability result at the blow-up time and discuss future developments. This is joint work with R. Côte and L. Vega.
North British Functional Analysis Seminar meeting
Summer 2023
Monday, 24 April 2023
Harmonic measure on Cantor sets in the plane
Antoine Julia (Université Paris-Saclay)
Monday, 1 May 2023
Green functions, smooth distances, and uniform rectifiability.
Joseph Feneuil (Australian National University)

Thursday 1st June 2023, 4.p.m.
JCMB 5323
Dualities on sets and how they appear in optimal transport
Katarzyna Wyczesany
Previous Semester
Autumn 2022
Monday, 26 September 2022
On the boundedness of maximal singular bilinear operators
Arpad Benyi (Western Washington University)
Monday, 03 October 2022
Convergence problems for singular stochastic dynamics
Younes Zine (University of Edinburgh)
Abstract: Over the last twenty years there has been significant progress in the well-posedness study of singular stochastic PDEs in both parabolic and dispersive settings. In this talk, I will discuss some convergence problems for singular stochastic nonlinear PDEs. In a seminal work, Da Prato and Debussche (2003) established well-posedness of the stochastic quantization equation, also known as the parabolic Φk+12-model in the two-dimensional case. More recently, Gubinelli, Koch, Oh, and Tolomeo proved the corresponding well-posedness for the canonical stochastic quantization equation, also known as the hyperbolic Φk+12-model in the two-dimensional case. In the first part of this talk, I will describe convergence of the hyperbolic Φk+12-model to the parabolic Φk+12-model. In the dispersive setting, Bourgain (1996) established well-posedness for the dispersive Φ42-model (=deterministic cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation) on the two-dimensional torus with Gibbsian initial data. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss the convergence of the stochastic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (= complex-valued version of the parabolic Φ42-model) to the dispersive Φ42-model at statistical equilibrium.
Monday, 10 October 2022
A new approach to the Fourier extension problem for the paraboloid.
Itamar Oliveira (Université de Nantes)

Monday, 17 October 2022
-adic Kakeya conjecture
Bodan Arsovski (UCL)

Monday, 24 October 2022
Deriving effective PDEs from many-body Schrödinger equations
Jinyeop Lee (LMU Munich)
Friday, 4 November 14:00 — 17:40, Newhaven Lecture Theatre (13-15 South College Street)
Maxwell Analysis Mini-Symposium
Matteo Capoferri (HW), Jan Sbierski (UoE), Leonardo Tolomeo (UoE), Jiawei Li (UoE)
14:00-14:40 Matteo Capoferri: Spectral theory of systems of PDEs
14:50-15:30 Jan Sbierski: On the uniqueness problem for extensions of Lorentzian manifolds
15:35-16:05 Coffee break
16:05-16:45 Leonardo Tolomeo: Phase transitions of the focusing Φ^p_1 measures
16:55-17:35 Jiawei Li: On distributions of random fields in turbulent flows
Title: Spectral theory of systems of PDEs
Abstract: I will present a new approach to the spectral theory of systems of PDEs on closed manifolds, developed in a series of recent papers by Dmitri Vassiliev (UCL) and myself, based on the use of pseudodifferential projections. Emphasis will be placed on ideas and motivation; the talk will include a brief historical overview of the development of the subject area.
Abstract: We study the behaviour of invariant measures for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the one-dimensional torus, initiated by Lebowitz, Rose, and Speer (1988). Because of the focusing nature of the measure, it is necessary to introduce a mass cutoff K, and restrict the measure to the set where the mass is smaller than K. We will show the following phase transitions:
– When K is smaller than a certain threshold, the measure is well defined, while for K bigger than the threshold, the measure becomes non-normalisable. We will also discuss what happens at the optimal threshold, and show that the measure is well defined in this case as well, solving a long-standing open problem. This is a joint work with T. Oh (University of Edinburgh) and P. Sosoe (Cornell University).
– When the size L of the torus is going to infinity, in the weakly non-linear regime, numeric simulations in the original paper by Lebowitz, Rose, and Speer (1988) suggest a phase transition depending on the temperature of the system. We show that this is indeed the case: if the temperature is high, the measure converges to a given gaussian measure. However, this convergence does not happen in the low-temperature regime, and instead the measure progressively concentrates around a single soliton. This is a joint work with H. Weber (University of Münster).
Title: On distributions of random fields in turbulent flows
Abstract: In this talk, we are interested in the vorticity and velocity random fields of turbulent flows. I will introduce the evolution equations for probability density functions of these random fields under some conditions on the flow. I will also talk about several methods we used to solve these PDF PDEs numerically. Based on joint works with Zhongmin Qian and Mingrui Zhou.
Monday, 7 November 2022
Hausdorff dimension of self-projective sets
Natalia Jurga (University of St Andrews)

Monday, 14 November 2022
Jennifer Duncan (University of Birmingham)
Transversality in Harmonic Analysis and the Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities
Monday, 21 November 2022
Obstruction-free gluing for the Einstein equations
Stefan Czimek (Leipzig University)
Monday, 28 November 2022
On the extension of surjective operators and its applications
Lenny Neyt (Ghent University)
Monday, 5 December 2022, JCMB 5328, 2.05pm – 4.00pm
Some probabilistic approaches to NLS in Euclidean space
Nicolas Camps
Abstract: Following the seminal works of Bourgain (1996), and Burq, Tzvetkov (2008), a statistical approach to nonlinear dispersive equations has developed in various contexts. One aspect of the theory is to generate full-measure sets of initial data that lead to strong solutions in certain regimes where instabilities are known to occur.
Zero-dispersion limit for the Benjamin-Ono equation on the torus
Louise Gassot (University of Basel)
Summer 2022
Friday, 29 April 2022
Spectrum of the Maxwell Equations for the Flat Interface between Homogeneous Dispersive Media
Ian Wood (University of Kent)
(Virtual Maxwell Analysis Seminar)
We determine and classify the spectrum of a non-selfadjoint operator pencil generated by the time-harmonic Maxwell problem with a nonlinear dependence on the frequency. More specifically, we consider one- and two-dimensional reductions for the case of two homogeneous materials joined at a planar interface. The dependence on the spectral parameter, i.e. the frequency, is in the dielectric function and we make no assumptions on its form. In order to allow also for non-conservative media, the dielectric function is allowed to be complex, yielding a non-selfadjoint problem. This is joint work with Malcolm Brown (Cardiff), Tomas Dohnal (Halle) and Michael Plum (Karlsruhe).
Friday, 13 May 2022
Generated Jacobian equations and applications to nonimaging optics
Boris Thibert (Universite Grenoble Alpes)
(Virtual Maxwell Analysis Seminar)
Generated Jacobian Equations have been introduced in 2014 by Trudinger as a generalization of Monge-Ampère equations arising in optimal transport. They were originally motivated by inverse problems arising in non-imaging optics, where the goal is to design optical components, such as mirrors or lenses, that transfer a given source light to a prescribed target light.
In this talk, I will present a Newton algorithm for solving Generated Jacobian equations in the semi-discrete setting, meaning that one of the measures involved in the problem is finitely supported and the other one is absolutely continuous. Then I will apply it to the design of different kinds of mirrors or lenses that allow to transfer any punctual or collimated source to any target. This work is in collaboration with Anatole Gallouet and Quentin Mérigot.Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Spectral theory of high-contrast random media
Matteo Capoferri (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
The talk is concerned with the rigorous mathematical description of propagation and localisation of waves in a particular class of composite materials with random microscopic geometry, called micro-resonant (or high-contrast) random media: small inclusions of a “soft” material are randomly dispersed in a “stiff” matrix. The highly contrasting physical properties of the two constituents, combined with a particular scaling of the inclusions, result in microscopic resonances, which manifest macroscopically by allowing propagation of waves in the material only within certain ranges of frequencies (band-gap spectrum).
High-contrast media with periodically distributed inclusions have been extensively studied and numerous results are available in the literature. However, their stochastic counterparts, which model more realistic scenarios and may exhibit localisation, are far from being well understood from a mathematical viewpoint. In my talk I will give an overview of existing results through the prism of stochastic homogenisation and spectral theory, and discuss recent advances and ongoing work.
Based on joint work with M. Cherdantsev and I. Velčić.
Monday, 8 August 2022
Vector valued extensions of operators through sparse domination and a multilinear UMD condition
Zoe Nieraeth (BCAM)
Vector-valued extensions of important operators in harmonic analysis have been actively studied in the past decades. A centerpoint of the theory is the result of Burkholder and Bourgain that the Hilbert transform extends to a bounded operator on L^p(R;X) if and only if the Banach space X has the so-called UMD property. In the specific case where X is a Banach function space, it is a deep result of Bourgain and Rubio de Francia that the UMD property is equivalent to the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator having a bounded extension to both X and X’. In turn, this leads to powerful vector-valued extrapolation methods. In this talk I will place these ideas in the context of the more modern technique of domination by sparse forms. These forms are intimately related to Muckenhoupt weight classes and the multilsubinear Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. Moreover, I will discuss some of work done in extending the UMD property to a multilinear setting. This talk is based on joint work with Emiel Lorist.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022
The Gregory–Laflamme Instability of the 5D Schwarzschild Black String Exterior
Sam Collingbourne (University of Cambridge)
Thursday 1st June 2023
Dualities on sets and how they appear in optimal transport
Katarzyna Wyczesany
Previous semesters (Virtual Maxwell Analysis Seminar)
Spring 2022
Friday, 21st January 2022
A dyadic approach to products of functions in
and BMO
Odysseas Bakas (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
In 2011 Bonami, Grellier, and Ky proved that the product of a function in the Hardy space and a function of bounded mean oscillation can be written, in the sense of distributions, as a sum of an integrable function and an element in an appropriate Hardy-Orlicz space. Moreover, they showed that the decomposition operators can be taken to be bilinear.
In this talk we present a dyadic analogue of the result of Bonami, Grellier, and Ky and we show how their theorem can be recovered from its dyadic counterparts. Related topics in one and several parameters will also be discussed.
This is joint work Sandra Pott, Salvador Rodríguez-López, and Alan Sola.
Friday, 4th February 2022
Multijoints and Duality
Michael Tang (University of Edinburgh)
The multijoint problem is a discrete analogue to the multilinear Kakeya problem, and was solved by Zhang in 2016. More recently in 2020, Tidor, Yu and Zhao solved higher-dimensional generalisations of the multijoint problem. The multijoint and multilinear Kakeya problems can both be described by geometric multilinear inequalities for which there is a theory of duality, as established by Carbery, Hanninen and Valdimarsson. While the dual multilinear Kakeya problem is well understood, until now, the dual multijoint problem was not, despite the multijoint problem being solved by Zhang in 2016.
In this talk we formulate the multijoint problem as the boundedness of a multilinear operator and present a discrete analogue of a theorem due to Bourgain and Guth.
Friday, 11th February 2022
Diophantine Approximation as Cosmic Censor for AdS Black Holes
Christoph Kehle (Insitute for Advanced Study)
The statement that general relativity is a deterministic theory finds its mathematical formulation in the celebrated ‘Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture’ due to Roger Penrose. I will present my recent results on the linear analog of this conjecture in the case of negative cosmological constant. It turns out that this is intimately tied to Diophantine properties of a suitable ratio of mass and angular momentum of the black hole and that the validity of the conjecture depends in an unexpected way on the notion of genericity imposed.
Friday, 25th February 2022
Stability for geometric and functional inequalities
João Pedro Ramos (ETH Zürich)
The celebrated isoperimetric inequality states that, for a measurable set the inequality
holds, where denotes the perimeter (or surface area) of
and equality holds if and only if
is an euclidean ball. This result has many applications throughout analysis, but an interesting feature is that it can be obtained as a corollary of a more general inequality, the Brunn–Minkowski theorem: if
Here, equality holds if and only if and
are homothetic and convex. A question pertaining to both these results, that aims to exploit deeper features of the geometry behind them, is that of stability: if
is close to being optimal for the isoperimetric inequality, can we say that
is close to being a ball? Analogously, if
are close to being optimal for Brunn–Minkowski, can we say they are close to being compact and convex?
These questions, as stand, have been answered only in very recent efforts by several mathematicians. In this talk, we shall outline these results, with focus on the following new result, obtained jointly with A. Figalli and K. Boroczky. If are two non-negative measurable functions on
is measurable such that
then the Prekopa–Leindler inequality asserts that
where equality holds if and only if is log-concave, and
are `homothetic’ to
, in a suitable sense. We prove that, if
close to being optimal. We will discuss the general idea for the proof and, time-allowing, discuss on a conjectured sharper version.
Friday, 4th March 2022
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the rotation-Camassa-Holm equation
Priscila Leal da Silva (Loughborough)
Since the discovery of the Camassa-Holm equation as an integrable peakon-equation, intense research has been dedicated to its generalisations of it and to the study of their solutions. Of particular interest in this talk is the rotation-Camassa-Holm equation (rCH), a nonlocally evolutive equation that takes into consideration the Coriolis force, which is typically a manifestation of rotation when Newton’s laws are applied to model physical phenomena on Earth’s surface. In this talk we present conditions for the existence of traveling wave solutions and show that, given an initial data in Sobolev spaces, uniqueness of local solutions is achieved. Moreover, assuming a strong condition on the McKean quantity, the solutions can be extended globally. Extensions of these results are presented, as well as further conjectures.
Friday, 11th March 2022
The elastic far-field development around a crystalline defect
Julian Braun (Heriot–Watt)
Lattice defects in crystalline materials (for example, a screw dislocations or an interstitial) create long-range elastic fields. In this presentation I will show how to rigorously derive a far-field expansion up to arbitrary high order. The expansion is computable and leaves only a fast decaying remainder describing the defect core structure. As an application I will also show how to use this expansion for high accuracy defect computations.
Friday, 18th March 2022
Zero-dispersion limit for the Benjamin-Ono equation on the torus
Louise Gassot (ICERM / University of Basel)
We discuss the zero-dispersion limit for the Benjamin-Ono equation on the torus given a single well initial data. We prove that there exist approximate initial data converging to the initial data, such that the corresponding solutions admit a weak limit as the dispersion parameter tends to zero. The weak limit is expressed in terms of the multivalued solution of the inviscid Burgers equation obtained by the method of characteristics. We construct our approximation by using the Birkhoff coordinates of the initial data, introduced by Gérard, Kappeler and Topalov.
Friday, 1st April 2022
Multi-material transport problems
Annalisa Massaccesi (Università di Padova)
Abstract: In this seminar I will review the theory of flat G-chains, as they were introduced by H. W. Fleming in 1966, and currents with coefficients in groups. One of the most recent developments of the theory concerns its application to the Steiner tree problem and other minimal network problems which are related with a Eulerian formulation of the branched optimal transport. Starting from a 2016 paper by A. Marchese and myself, I will show how these problems and their variants are equivalent to a mass-minimization problem in the framework of currents with coefficients in a (suitably chosen) normed group.
Autumn 2021
Friday, 1st October 2021
Mathematical aspects of nanophotonics
Matias Ruiz (University of Edinburgh)
In the last couple of decades, the field of nanophotonics, i.e. the study of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, has gained enormous importance in different disciplines of science and engineering. A large portion of this field concerns the study of electromagnetic resonances in nanoparticles which are, in turn, the building blocks of many applications in energy, healthcare, material science, to name a few.
In this applied analysis talk I will introduce some of the mathematically interesting problems arising in nanophotonics and discuss recent analytical results in the analysis of resonances in metallic nanoparticles (also known as plasmonic resonances), which include the use of layer potential techniques and asymptotic analysis.
Friday, 8th October 2021
Harmonic analysis tools in spectral theory
Jean-Claude Cuenin (Loughborough University)
I will give a survey of how methods from harmonic analysis, particularly those related to Fourier restriction theory, can be used in spectral and scattering theory. Applications include eigenvalue estimates for Schrödinger operators with complex potentials and almost sure scattering for random lattice Schrödinger operators in 3d with slowly decaying potential.
Friday, 15th October 2021
Boundedness of spectral projectors on Riemannian manifolds
Simon Myerson (University of Warwick)
Given the Laplace(-Beltrami) operator on a Riemannian manifold, consider the spectral projector on (generalized) eigenfunctions whose eigenvalue lies in – where
. We ask the question of optimal
bounds for this operator. I will present new results in this direction for the Euclidean torus (joint with Pierre Germain).
Friday, 22nd October 2021
Multilinear Kakeya and Michael-Simon inequality for anisotropic stationary varifolds
Guido De Philippis (CIMS)
Michael Simon inequality is a fundamental tool in geometric analysis and geometric measure theory. Its extension to anisotropic integrands will allow to extend to anisotropic integrands a series of results which are currently known only for the area functional.
In this talk I will present an anistropic version of the Michael-Simon inequality, for for two-dimensional varifolds in , provided that the integrand is close to the area in the C1-topology. The proof is deeply inspired by posthumous notes by Almgren, devoted to the same result. Although our arguments overlap with Almgren’s, some parts are greatly simplified and rely on a nonlinear version of the planar multilinear Kakeya inequality.
Friday, 29th October 2021
The equations of polyconvex thermoelasticity
Myrto Maria Galanopoulou (Heriot-Watt University)
In this talk, I will present the findings of my PhD Thesis. I will examine the system of thermoelasticity endowed with polyconvex energy. I will show that we can embed the equations of polyconvex thermoviscoelasticity into an augmented, symmetrizable, hyperbolic system which possesses a convex entropy. This allows to prove many important stability results, such as convergence from the viscous problem to smooth solutions of the system of adiabatic thermoelasticity in the zero-viscosity limit. In addition, I will present a weak-strong uniqueness result in the class of entropy weak solutions and in a suitable class of measure-valued solutions, defined by means of generalized Young measures. Also, we will discuss a variational scheme for isentropic processes of adiabatic polyconvex thermoelasticity: I establish existence of minimizers which converge to a measure-valued solution that dissipates the total energy, while the scheme converges when the limiting solution is smooth.
Friday, 5th November 2021
Energy transfer for solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on irrational tori.
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT)
In this talk I will outline some results on the study of transfer of energy for solutions to the periodic 2D (torus domain) cubic defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation. In particular I will focus on the differences of the dynamics of solutions in the rational versus irrational torus. Some numerical experiments will also be presented.
(The most recent work presented is in collaboration with A. Hrabski, Y. Pan and B. Wilson.)
Friday, 19th November 2021
Dynamical fluctuations of a hard sphere gas in the low density limit
Laure Saint-Raymond (IHES)
The dynamics of a hard sphere gas is described in the low density limit by the Boltzmann equation, at least for short times. The classical strategy of proof, due to Lanford, fails for longer times, even close to equilibrium.
In this talk, I will present a recent work with T. Bodineau, I. Gallagher and S. Simonella, where we have designed a new method, combining a duality and a pruning arguments, which allows to characterize the fluctuations around equilibrium globally in time.Friday, 26th November 2021
Polynomial progressions in continuous fields
Jim Wright (University of Edinburgh)

Friday, 10th December 2021
On the strong cosmic censorship conjecture
Jan Sbierski (University of Edinburgh)
The strong cosmic censorship conjecture roughly states that Einstein’s theory of general relativity is generically a deterministic theory. I will start out this talk by giving a non-technical introduction to this conjecture restricted to rotating black holes. After motivating the mathematical formulation of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture I will proceed to outline the current state of it and then conclude by presenting forthcoming work of mine showing the linear instability of the Cauchy horizon inside rotating black holes.
Spring 2021
Friday, 22nd January 2021
Topological properties of minimizers in Landau-de Gennes theory of nematic liquid crystals
Federico Luigi Dipasquale (Università di Verona)
I will talk about recent results on the topology of minimizers in the Landaude Gennes (LdG) theory of nematic liquid crystals which shed light on the socalled “biaxial torus minimizers”. According to many numerical studies, these are the minimizers of the most studied LdG energy in very relevant physical conditions. Such minimizers are axially symmetric and characterized by remarkable topological properties (where the topology is to be sought in the level set of an appropriate indicator function, the signed biaxiality). However, they eluded precise mathematical description for years. In this talk, I will introduce some new key ideas which allow to study the topology of minimizers (but also of some classes of more general configurations). I will try to explain how to implement them and how this leads in a natural way to the definition of an appropriate asymptotic regime in which, in fact, topological structures are found in the biaxiality sets of minimizers. The topological results match qualitatively many features expected from the numerical simulations. We will also see that, restricting to axially symmetric configurations, we have still better accordance with simulations and much more can be said, although several interesting problems remain open. Joint work with V. Millot (Paris XIII) and A. Pisante (Sapienza).
Friday, 29th January 2021
-quasiconvexity, function spaces and regularity
Franz Gmeineder (Universität Bonn)
By Morrey’s foundational work, quasiconvexity displays a key notion in the vectorial Calculus of Variations. A suitable generalisation that keeps track of more elaborate differential conditions is given by Fonseca & Müller’s -quasiconvexity. With the topic having faced numerous contributions as to lower semicontinuity, in this talk I give an overview of recent results for such problems with focus on the underlying function spaces and the (partial) regularity of minima. The talk is partially based on joint work with Sergio Conti (Bonn), Jan Kristensen (Oxford) and Lars Diening (Bielefeld).
Friday, 5th February 2021
Landis’ conjecture on the decay of solutions to Schrödinger equations on the plane
Eugenia Malinnikova (Stanford)
We consider a real-valued function on the plane for which the absolute value of the Laplacian is bounded by the absolute value of the function at each point. In other words, we look at solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equation with a bounded potential. The question discussed in the talk is how fast such function may decay at infinity. We give the answer in dimension two, in higher dimensions the corresponding problem is open. The talk is based on the joint work with A. Logunov, N. Nadirashvili, and F. Nazarov.
Friday, 12th February 2021
Global invertibility via invertibility on boundary and applications to Nonlinear Elasticity
Stefan Krömer (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Globally invertible Sobolev maps are of particular interest in models for the elastic deformation of solids, because invertibility corresponds to non-interpenetration of matter. By a result of John Ball (1981), a locally orientation preserving Sobolev map is almost everywhere globally invertible provided that its boundary values admit a homeomorphic extension. We will see that the conclusions of Ball’s theorem and related results can be reached while completely avoiding the (hard) problem of homeomorphic extension. The proof heavily relies on Brouwer’s topological degree. Among other things, the result can be applied to justify more efficient numerical approximation respecting global invertibility constraints.
Friday, 19th February 2021
The nonlinear stability of the Schwarzschild black hole without symmetry
Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge/Princeton)
Friday, 26th February 2021
Hölder continuous Euler flows with local energy dissipation
Hyunju Kwon (IAS)
The Euler equations describe the behavior of ideal fluids. It is well-known that smooth (spatially periodic) Euler flows conserve total kinetic energy in time. In the theory of turbulence, on the other hand, a famous conjecture of Lars Onsager asserts that kinetic energy conservation may fail when an Euler flow belongs to the Hölder spaces with Hölder exponent less than 1/3, which was proved recently by Isett. In light of these developments, I’ll discuss a stronger version of the Onsager conjecture: the existence of Hölder continuous Euler flows which locally dissipate kinetic energy.
Friday, 5th March 2021
Regularity of solutions of complex coefficient elliptic systems: the
-ellipticity condition
Jill Pipher (Brown)
Formulating and solving boundary value problems for divergence form real elliptic equations has been an active and productive area of research ever since the foundational work of De Giorgi – Nash – Moser established H\”older continuity of solutions when the operator coefficients are merely bounded and measurable. The solutions to such real-valued equations share some important properties with harmonic functions: maximum principles, Harnack principles, and estimates up to the boundary that enable one to solve Dirichlet problems in the classical sense of nontangential convergence. Weak solutions of complex elliptic equations and elliptic systems do not necessarily share these good properties of continuity or maximum principles. In joint work with M. Dindos, we introduced in 2017 a structural condition (-ellipticity) on divergence form complex elliptic equations that was inspired by a condition related to
contractivity due to Cialdea and Maz’ya. The
-ellipticity condition was also simultaneously discovered by Carbonaro-Dragicevic, who used it to prove a bilinear embedding result. Subsequently, the condition has proven useful in the study of well-posedness of a degenerate elliptic operator associated with domains with lower-dimensional boundary. In this talk we discuss
-ellipticity for complex divergence form equations, and then describe recent work, joint with J. Li and M. Dindos, extending this condition to elliptic systems. In particular, we give applications to solvability of the Dirichlet problem for the Lame systems.
Friday, 12th March 2021
Rigidity for measurable sets
Ilaria Fragalé (Politecnico di Milano)
We discuss the rigidity of measurable subsets in the Euclidean space such that the Lebesgue measure of their intersection with a ball of radius , centred at any point in the essential boundary, is constant. Based on a joint work with Dorin Bucur.
Friday, 19th March 2021
-dimensional Analyst’s Travelling Salesman Theorem for general sets in Euclidean space
Matthew Hyde (University of Edinburgh)
In the nineties, Peter Jones proved the Analyst’s Travelling Salesman Theorem (TST), which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for when a set in Euclidean space can be contained in a curve of finite length. This condition is stated in terms of beta-numbers, which give a measure of how flat a set is at each location and scale. Several higher dimensional analogues of the TST have been proven since. These, along with Jones’ original result, have found many applications in fields such as complex analysis, harmonic analysis, and harmonic measure. Unlike Jones’ TST, these higher dimensional variants require additional assumption on the set. In this talk we will discuss these results in more detail and introduce a higher dimensional TST that holds for every set in Euclidean space.
Friday, 26th March 2021
Discrete analogues of maximally modulated singular integrals of Stein-Wainger type
Joris Roos (University of Massachusetts Lowell & University of Edinburgh)
Stein and Wainger introduced an interesting class of maximal oscillatory integral operators related to Carleson’s theorem. The talk will be about joint work with Ben Krause on discrete analogues of some of these operators. These discrete analogues feature a number of substantial difficulties that are absent in the real-variable setting and involve themes from number theory and analysis.
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