In anticipation of week 10, I wanted to log an idea. I’m currently sitting on the 5th floor of the University of Edinburgh Main Library. Here is my view:


And here is what I am hearing:


I have deliberately positioned myself so I’m facing the window. I am aware of others around me, probably doing things very similar to myself. Reading core and secondary texts for their courses. Interspersing this with checking Twitter and the football on the Guardian MBM. Most are sitting solo. But I am aware of some very quiet chatter. All students seem to be observing the library policy of only bottled water. The guy next to me has some Haribo sweets. The rustle of the bag is very satisfying. I decided to record these noises as they seem the perfect background noise for studying. I recall reading a project around this very subject (in fact a quick look at the VLE for this course tells me it is this: Bayne, S., Gallagher, M. S., & Lamb, J. (2014). Being ‘at’ university: the social topologies of distance students. Higher Education, 67, 569-583.) However, I don’t recall anyone favouring a recording of ‘typical’ library noises. I shall have to wait until week 10 to find out.