Tag: Managers
Tammy Piper is a Tissue Bank Manager at the Edinburgh Cancer Research UK Centre. She recently won the MRC Medical Zone in the I’m a Scientist competition. What is your role? My role as a tissue bank manager is to facilitate the collection, processing and archiving of thousands of breast cancer tissue samples […]
Spring has sprung here at the Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility and at the Genetics Core excitement grows as that means it’s time for another Team Away Day. Can you hear the groans as the thought of Team Building resonates through the laboratory? Alas! What a great day it was. Similar to last year, the […]
As a member of the Technicians Support Steering Group, the Launch Event of Edinburgh University’s Technicians Commitment at McEwan Hall on the 5th of December was a fantastic day, and I was so proud to see our year’s work and effort rewarded with so many engaged and enthused technicians attending. It was such a fantastic […]
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