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Student Stories

Student Stories

Blogs and vlogs from students of the University of Edinburgh

A full english breakfast

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: Linguistics Year of study: Masters year Accommodation type: Privately rented flat, shared with two flatmates. Day one It’s 9am, and I’m boiling two eggs while pouring the coffee into my mug. Quickly check if I have kept fruits in my backpack; an orange, a banana and an apple (you know what they say, […]

Reading time: 3 minutes   Programme: LLB Law Year of study: Third year Accommodation type: Privately leased and shared between two people. Day one Normally every other week I tend to order a food delivery from Asda, this big food shop lasts two sometimes three weeks and allows me to order many ingredients in one go which makes meal […]

Kezia's dinner

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: GeoSciences Year of study: Masters Accommodation type: Private with five other flatmates. Day one It’s the start of the week and I still have dry food and other bits to cobble together for stuff during the day so that’s not an issue. Also with the weather still Edinburgh dreary, I don’t leave my […]

Alex with a ginger cat

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: Medicine (mature student) Year of study: Fourth year Accommodation type: Private flat with one flatmate Part-time job: NHS Healthcare Assistant. I find that during term-time, it’s hard to work regular hours as well as attend placement and keep up with my studies. I therefore work on the NHS ‘staff bank’, which is essentially […]

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: Mathematics Year of study: Second year Accommodation type: University self-catered accommodation Part-time job: Student Ambassador Day one I wake up and go to a gym class that I have booked in the Pleasance Gym & Sport Complex of the University. I love to start my week with a strength training class because nothing […]

Edinburgh Castle

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: Sport Policy, Management and International Development Year of study: Masters year Accommodation type: An en-suite room in University accommodation with public kitchen. Shared with four flatmates. Part-time job: Student Ambassador Day one I had a lecture in the morning, so I made myself some toast and tea for breakfast. I usually bring some […]

The living room set up for palentine's day

Reading time: 4 minutes   Programme: Spanish and Scandinavian Studies Year of study: Fourth year Accommodation type: Private flat with four flatmates Part-time job: I’m currently working on a technology scheme that helps people from different backgrounds get into tech, regardless of your degree title. I found this after having a chat with a career’s advisor who inspired me […]

The Cameron Toll shopping centre exterior

Reading time: 3 minutes   Programme: Chemical Engineering Year of study: Third year Accommodation type: Private flat shared with five flatmates Part-time job: Student Ambassador Day one To begin, I carried out my bi weekly food shop at Aldi and picked up groceries I was low on like bread, milk and meats, for £18.20. I usually only have these […]


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