Staff Pride Network Newsletter – Issue 7

Staff Pride Network Newsletter – Issue 7
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Welcome to the May 2019 edition of the
Staff Pride Network newsletter

Dear Members

We have been busy since our last newsletter and hopefully you’ve kept an eye on our emails, come to our events and enjoyed wearing our SPN-designed rainbow lanyards. Our members survey attracted lots of responses, love and suggestions for which we’re incredibly grateful – report below. Would you believe £9000 has been spent by a range of UoE departments/Schools on 7000 rainbow lanyards? To measure this impact, two MSc students conducted rainbow lanyard research and will present their fascinating results at an upcoming event, details TBC.

From SPN volunteers attending conferences by the UK Higher Education Network of LGBT+ Staff Networks (see Derek’s article) to hosting Edinburgh’s private, public & third sector LGBT+ staff networks’ committee members at our leaders’ breakfast, in partnership with Waverley Care, and arranging for the bi and trans flags to fly over Old College for the first ever times, we have been working with the University, with the PrideSoc student network, with our outgoing executive champion Jane Norman, to learn from others and extend our reach.

A huge thank you to our outgoing newsletter editor Jerrard and a warm welcome to the new newsletter team Caroline and Luís. Other recent additions to the SPN team include Tracy (Events), Justine (Twitter), with Katie, Edgar and Paul forming our new Research Team. If you are inspired by our activities and events, we’d love your help.

Please put up our new posters in your building to increase visibility. Colleagues still don’t know we exist and it’s only with your help that we can get the message out to all 15,000 of us that there is support here, people who believe in equality, diversity and inclusion. In these times where transphobia is constantly in the media, we need more than ever to support each other. Join us at Pride Edinburgh if you are able, LGBT+ colleagues and allies, and show your support.

Best wishes

Jonathan MacBride
Co-chair, Staff Pride Network

HESA data category to recognise non-binary identities

The University is required to submit statistical returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and institutions are now able to report staff sex under three categories: ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘other’. Read more… 


Staff Pride Network posters

Thank you if you have already put up Staff Pride Network posters around your building. Posters share our common message, and it would be great to have these displayed in all buildings around the University. Read more…

50 Years After Stonewall

Friday 7 June is the deadline to submit an abstract for the International Conference ’50 Years After Stonewall’ which will take place at the University of Edinburgh on 12 & 13 September 2019.  See full details on SharePoint.


Pride Edinburgh

Join us for the Pride Edinburgh march on Saturday 22 June.  If you wish to join us at this event, carry a placard or purchase a SPN t-shirt – check out our link below.

Staff Pride Edinburgh SPN information

Staff social gathering

The School of Informatics held its annual Jamboree on Friday 26th April. The day is a social gathering for staff and their families to come along and take part in a range of activities, with input from the Staff Pride Network.  Check out Carol’s feedback on the event…

Equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM
Evidence Base formed to promote and execute a systems based approach to understanding issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM. Join us for the launch of our project on 21 June: “Growing the Big Grant Club”, which aims to research the under representation of women in the big grant club.

SPN survey feedback

The Staff Pride Network undertook this recent survey with the aim of improving our organisation and future events. Thank you for helping us learn by completing it. 80 people responded to the survey and answered 16 questions that touched upon attendance to events, the reasons why you find this network important, communication, approachability and representation. Learn more…

Promoting equality through sustainable procurement

UK public bodies collectively spend billions of pounds annually through purchasing with third party suppliers, and thus have a lot of potential influence with industry to promote equality and better working conditions. Peter shares feedback on the training he attended…

Sharing best practice in Higher Education

The LGBT+ Network of Networks in Higher Education (LGBT+NoNHE) works to support members to share, exchange and develop best practice regarding equality, diversity and inclusion in Higher Education. Read more…

Rainbow lanyards

Since the launch in LGBT+ History Month, February 2018, 7000 Rainbow Lanyards have been delivered to Schools and departments across the University. Standard RLs are available to anyone from the shop for £2. All colleagues can order standard and LGBT+ Ally lanyards from us via our order form.

SPN Blog

We now have a SPN blog as a new resource to feature our stories and news! If you have information you would like posted on the blog, please email the SPN.

SPN Blog

Body Beautiful: Diversity on the Catwalk
Further info
Date: now until 20 October 2019
Location: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
Transgender Intersectional / International Conference 
Further info & tickets
Date: 28 & 29 May 2019
Location: Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh
Loud and Proud – Stonewall 50 Anniversary Concert
Date: Saturday 1 June 2019
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Location: Stockbridge Parish Church, 7b Saxe Coburg Street, Edinburgh
Rally for Trans Solidarity 
Further information
Date: Wednesday 5 June 2019
Time: from 15.00
Location: George Square / Potterrow (see ‘Further information’ for details)
Evening Social 
Date: Friday 7June 2019
Time: 18.00 – 23:00
Location: Checkpoint, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh. EH1 1EY
Discussion about Queer Bookshops in Scotland 
Further info and tickets
Date: Tuesday 11 June 2019
Time: 18.00 – 20:00
Location: Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP
Central Coffee & Cake
Date: Wednesday 12 June 2019
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Location: Cafe in Reception of the Bayes Centre (Behind Informatics Forum) EH8 9BT


Date: Wednesday 19 June 2019
Time: 13:10 – 14:00
Location: 7th Floor Cafe, Swann Building in the blue staff/PhD seating area, King’s Buildings
Book Group
Date: Thursday 20 June 2019
Time: 17:45 – 21:15
Location: St Andrews Brewing Company, Potterrow
Beyond Binaries in Sport 
Event flyer
Date: Friday 21 June 2019
Time: 13:30 – 14:30
Location: G.05, 50 George Square 
Pride Edinburgh march
Further information
Date: Saturday 22 June 2019
Time SPN gathering: 11.30
Location: Levels Cafe, Holyrood Road
WGH Coffee and Cake
Date: Thursday 27 June 2019
Time: 15:00 – 16:00
Location: Nucleus Cafe, Western General Hospital

Body Beautiful: Diversity on the Catwalk

The opening on 24 May was a great success and the exhibition is now open to the public until 20 October. Go see!

National Museum of Scotland exhibition information.

Review of exhibition in Vogue magazine.


Staff Pride Network Survey Report 2019

The Staff Pride Network undertook this survey with the aim of improving our organisation and future events. Thank you for helping us learn by completing it.

80 people responded to the survey and answered 16 questions that touched upon attendance to events, the reasons why you find this network important, communication, approachability, and representation. You can find a copy of this report in SharePoint (you will find the graphics are easier to read there).  A further more detailed report will be published later in the year.

Attendance to events

Although some of the respondents (35%) expressed they have not attended any events organised by the network, some explained that it is important that the network exists. One of the respondents wrote: ‘It makes me feel secure and welcomed in the University that this network exists, so I want to support it and participate when I can’.

Survey results pie chart

The reasons for not attending the events organised by the network were varied:

‘I act as the departmental lead/rep for this, but am not part of the LGBTQ+ community, so don’t feel the events are for me.’

‘Wasn’t aware of events.’

At the moment, 85% of you would feel able to approach us if you had an issue you wanted to discuss. These responses are very useful to us and will help us to improve our communications so you all feel welcome to attend and get notice of the events.


A theme of concern was that 5% of the respondents expressed they did not feel comfortable/included and 2.5% didn’t like the sound of the events. We understand that people prefer to engage in different ways and, therefore, we are working to react and improve to ensure that people feel included and comfortable.

Survey results pie chart

The survey showed our membership is diverse in many ways, but we have much to do to increase BME representation.

Survey results pie chart

We are pleased to see that 19% of our respondents are allies. It is important to acknowledge that our network is a diverse group and the LGBT+ umbrella does not capture the richness of our identities, as your responses showed us: ‘[I am] Asexual! But I fit that under “queer”’ and ‘I’ve been committed to a straight relationship forever, but feel that in another universe things could have been different. I’m happy though. But I don’t really know how to label that. Operationally straight/theoretically pan?’

The importance of the Staff Pride Network



Survey results pie chart

In response to this question, some of our members answered in ways that were reassuring and heart-warming. Quotes include:

‘I am impressed by the many efforts the LGBT+ staff group puts into its work, and I know that this is widely appreciated.’

‘I want to use Staff Pride to make the university more welcoming, to challenge prejudice, and effect meaningful change.’

‘It inspires me how to teach my kids about valuing diversity’.

‘I had a difficult time to come out to myself, the SPN started exactly at that point and it helped me very much to know that some LGBT+ colleagues were there, visible. I could not do it, I am not comfortable enough to share my sexual orientation with others, but I am so thankful that you guys are here! And maybe someday I will do it too.’

We were overwhelmed with the positivity and love for what we are doing. You brought joyous tears to our eyes and gave us lots to think about for where to improve our work, events, and activities. Thank you.

Rally for Trans Solidarity

This article is written by EUSA. The Staff Pride Network are in support of this Rally for Trans Solidarity which is organised by EUSA.

“Following a request by the University to edit the contents of this post we have chosen instead to remove it as we are unwilling to edit the words of others.”


Pride Edinburgh 2019

Prior to the Pride Edinburgh march on Saturday 22 June, we’ll be meeting at Levels Cafe on Holyrood Road at 11.30am and plan to head to the march at 12ish for a 12.30 start. Join us at Levels so you can find us easily.

We are making placards for our beautiful posters so do let us know if you’d like to carry one. Look for the placards if you can’t get to Levels.

Time to get your beautiful UoE Staff Pride Network t-shirt for the march (or for your wall/presentation cabinet/sleeping shirt)! First round deadline is 10.30am Tuesday 4 June, so please get your orders in soon! Many thanks to April for organising this.

T-shirt order form

T-shirt payment

Cost price is £13.20 including VAT, so that’s all you pay.

Ideally you will be able to pick them up at a Central location by Friday 21 or we can send by internal mail. Closer to the time we may be able to deliver to other campuses.

Growing the Big Grant Club

Join us for the launch of ‘Evidence Base: Growing the Big Grant Club’ on the 21 of June 2019 in the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Evidence Base formed in 2018 with funding from the EPSRC to promote and execute a systems based approach to understanding issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM.

“Growing the Big Grant Club” aims to research the under representation of women in the big grant club (grant awards of £5m+). Over the past 10 years, of the big grants funded by the EPSRC, less than 5% have gone to women.

Our project is a wide-reaching collaboration involving the University of Edinburgh (Professor David Robertson, Professor Polly Arnold, Professor Karen Halliday, Dr Sara Shinton, Dr Job Thijssen, Dr Emily Porth), University of Nottingham (Dr Karen Salt), Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Physics, UKRI and the Knowledge Transfer Network.

Our approach is to understand this social issue from the systems-level, avoiding falling into the trap of taking a ‘deficit model’ approach whereby the interventions are aimed at ‘upskilling’ or ‘fixing’ the women. We want to fix the system that is failing to accommodate diversity.

Please join us for an afternoon of food, entertainment and discussion to mark the official launch of ‘Growing the Big Grant Club’. You will have the opportunity to meet many of our project partners as well as hear about the research we are undertaking.

Registration can be made via eventbrite. A full programme of activities will be shared at the beginning of June.

Promoting equality through sustainable procurement

Recently, University of Edinburgh staff, including Andy Kordiak and Peter Hayakawa from the University Procurement Office, participated in intensive trainings and discussions on ways to promote equality through public procurement for those who share protected characteristics (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation). UK public bodies like the University of Edinburgh collectively spend billions of pounds annually through purchasing with third party suppliers, and thus have a lot of potential influence with industry to promote equality and better working conditions. These half-day sessions led by the Equalities and Humans Rights Commission (EHRC) were aimed at partners of Scotland’s City Region Deals, a set of agreements between Scottish Government, the UK Government and local governments and other public partners to strategically improve regional economies. The University of Edinburgh is key partner of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal (ESESCRD) leading its Data Driven Innovation Programme; through this the region’s councils and higher education institutions have committed to deliver inclusive growth, combining economic growth with greater equality and opportunities for all, through a series of major investments. One big challenge is to leverage the major pipeline of procurement spend to achieve a collaborative, common approach to promoting inclusion and equality in supply chains.

The training was wide-ranging, but EHRC highlighted the often overlooked duties in the 2010 UK Equality Act to take positive action to promote equality in organisational activity, rather than the better-known duties to avoid discriminatory behaviour. EHRC and attendees discussed allowable ways to take positive actions to promote equality, for instance, gender parity in industries like construction or health and social care. The University has worked over the last years with partners, in particular the University’s Staff Pride Network, to incorporate equality in its procurement, for instance highlighting equality duties in supplier documentation and requiring information and positive action from suppliers, but we will look forward working more closely with regional partners and organisations like EHRC, with the aim to increase the impact of measures like these.  As a first step after the training, the University Procurement Office supplemented the Scottish Government Equality in Procurement measures that we currently refer to in our sustainable procurement process with EHRC’s guidance on Responsible Procurement of Cleaning Services for this high risk area.

HESA data category to recognise non-binary identities

The University is required by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 to submit statistical returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), under category labels set down by HESA.

Institutions are now able to report staff sex under three categories: ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘other’. Although the naming of this last category is far from ideal (!), it does now allow reporting of staff who define as anything other than male or female.

In future this data will be captured via a self-service portal in the new HR system. Until this is in place, any staff who wish to be returned to HESA under the ‘other’ sex category should send an email to the confidential mailbox equalitydiversity@ed.ac.uk.

With regards to recording sex in University of Edinburgh job applications, colleagues are working on changes, and we hope to provide an update in the near future.

University-wide poster display

Thanks if you have already put up Staff Pride Network posters around your building, on noticeboards, in staff rooms etc… Posters share our common message, and it would be great to have these displayed in all buildings around the University.

We have printed 300 posters, and there are still plenty to collect and distribute, so your input is welcome here.  Posters can be collected from Allies Rep Carol (carol.dow@ed.ac.uk) at the School of Informatics and Callum (Callum.Michie@ed.ac.uk) at the KB Copy Centre in the James Clerk Maxwell Building. Get in touch with them if you need posters sent to you.

Check out the designs on SharePoint.

Informatics Jamboree

The School of Informatics held its annual Jamboree on Friday 26th April.

The day is a social gathering for staff and their families to come along and take part in activities such as a silent disco, a tango class, a pub quiz, arts and crafts, board games.  This all followed with a ceilidh in the evening. There was also a visit from alpacas who greeted us at George Square.

The Staff Pride Network had their first stall at the jamboree last year, and this year it was even bigger and brighter than before. It was extremely well attended and hopefully our message was passed across successfully.

Carol Dow (carol.dow@ed.ac.uk)