Laura Wright

Laura Wright, PhD, is a Teacher and Research Fellow, Childhood and Youth Studies Research Group, University of Edinburgh and the Director of Participatory Methodologies, International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD). Laura’s work with children, youth, and adults has focused on play and arts based participatory methodologies, children’s meaningful participation, intergenerational partnerships, children’s rights, play, child protection, and psychosocial wellbeing in Canada, South and Eastern Europe, the United Kingdom, East and West Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. She is an active member on several child and youth focused networks and boards internationally to support collaboration and positive transformation across sectors and disciplines.
List of publications:
Wright, L.H.V., Tisdall, K., Moore, N. (2021). Taking emotions seriously: fun and pride in participatory research. Special Issue: The Emotional Relations of Children’s Participation Rights. Emotions, Space, and Society. 41 (2), 100836.
Cox, R., Heykoop, C. Fletcher, Scannel, L., Hill, T. Wright, L.H.V., Alexander, K., Plush, T., Deans, N. (2021). Creative Action Research. Educational Action Research, 1-19.
Collins, T., Jamieson, L., Wright, L.H.V., Rizzini, I., Mayhew, A., Narang, J., Tisdall, K.M.E, Ruiz- Casares, M. (2020). Involving Child and Youth Advisors in Academic Research about Child Participation: The Child and Youth Advisory Committees of the International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership. Special Issue: Empirical Findings on Child and Youth Participation in Developing Countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 109 (104569).
Lee L, Currie, V., Saied, N., Wright, L.H.V. (2020). Journey to hope, self-expression and community engagement: Youth-led Arts-Based Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Social Change. Special Issue: Empirical Findings on Child and Youth Participation in Developing Countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 109 (104581).
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