Irene Rizzini

Titular Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (PUC-Rio) and director of The International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood (CIESPI) at PUC-Rio. She has been a visiting professor at Notre Dame University (US); the University of Edinburgh (UK), with systematic academic exchange in Latin America, particularly with the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), and has lectured at a number of universities internationally. She was been for seven years the president of Childwatch International, a network of university children’s research centers in over 40 countries.
Professor Rizzini has published extensively on children, families and their communities in Brazil and has conducted research in collaboration with colleagues in a number of countries. She focuses on various issues of Human Rights and Public Policy; rights violation, particularly children living in situations of vulnerability such as poverty, violence, urban slums, children and youth in institutions and living or working on the streets. She has also conducted studies on family support structures, children with mental and developmental disabilities, children in the juvenile justice system, and children and young people´s activism and their right to participation.
List of publications:
Collins, T.; Rizzini, I.; Mayhew, A. (2021). Fostering global dialogue: conceptualizations of children’s rights to participation and protection. Children & Society; 0:1-16.
Rizzini, I.; Strickland, D.; Limongi, N. (2020) Latin American youth and daily violence in areas of urban relegation. Carta Econômica Regional, v.126, p.7-28.
Rizzini, I. (2019). Crianças e adolescentes em conexão com a rua: pesquisas e políticas públicas [Children and youth connected to the streets: research and public policies]. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. PUC-Rio.
Rizzini, I., & Couto, R. M. B. do. (2019). População infantil e adolescente nas ruas: principais temas de pesquisa no Brasil [Children and adolescents on the streets: Main research themes in Brazil]. Civitas – Revista De Ciências Sociais, 19(1), 105-122.
Rizzini, I.; Chattopadhay, T. (2018). Street Children in Brazil and their Right to Education. In: Archana Mehendale, Rahul Mukhopadhyay editors). The Right to Education Movements and Policies: Promises and Realities. Norrag Special Issue 01
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