12.00 – 13.00 pm, Zoom Webinar


Carbon villains: Industrial Heritage of coal mining

This talk will review the legacy in the historic environment of the coal industry, and efforts to conserve elements of this dark heritage in Scotland and in Europe. CoP26 drew attention to the harm being done to the environment by fossil fuel economies, and governments around the world look to redress our current dependence. Scotland was early to exploit its coal resources, and so did parts of England and Wales in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mining communities have a heritage to share with the rest of society that benefited from that hard and dangerous work.


Mark Watson

Born in Dundee, Mark took degrees in History and Industrial Archaeology in the English midlands, worked in museums and then joined what is now Historic Environment Scotland, listing buildings and managing change to historic buildings and conservation areas across Scotland. He wrote the nomination for New Lanark’s inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List (inscribed 2001) and parts of that for the Forth Bridge (2015). In at the start of two Europa Nostra award-winning projects (Knockando and Stanley Mills), he is the UK national rep for The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) and researches textile mill history, architecture and industrial heritage.


File:Lady Victoria Colliery, Newtongrange – geograph.org.uk – 1431037.jpg” by kim traynor is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.