Aspirations, motivations, reasons and goals

I would like to use my first blog post to introduce myself, specifically through the lens of why I chose this degree, at this university at this time in my life.

About a year ago, I was at a career crossroads and desperately needed something new. To put this in context: I’d started out as a journalist with a first degree in political science, then became a business editor and researcher; then communications consultant working for large corporations to improve their digital stakeholder communication platforms. It had been rewarding and engaging – for a while. But once-stimulating work became first repetitive, then stale. I began searching for a way to advance my professional skills and engage my brain again.

Doing another degree had been there in the back of my mind for years, but always “for later”. There comes a time though when later doesn’t make sense anymore; I moved it to the forefront and said, “how about NOW”.

Future Governance made sense right away. It was the right mix of subject matter – public policy (expanding from corporate to the public sphere); of theory (futures thinking); of hands-on practicalities (using data and technology effectively); and logistics of needing to be mostly remote (the online delivery element looked the most advanced of any other institution I’d researched).

Plus, my wife, Katie, has Scottish roots and we have plans to relocate here someday – ok, perhaps only vague plans at this point! But all of that played into the decision.

Professionally, this would advance my skills and spur new thinking, as I embark on an exciting and uncertain path as an independent consultant. Could the MSc lead me down new intellectual paths that contribute to the public good, and help me create something useful for organisations? Personally, the degree would provide an outlet to think in a focused way about things that concern me – the state of politics, the state of delivery of vital services, governance, technology and the way society is organized. I enjoy thinking about this stuff.

Has it delivered? Yes, in every way so far. Returning to formal education after so many years has been frightening, at times panic-inducing as I get to grips with new tools and new ways of doing things (Insights Through Data – looking at you!). But…. That is exactly what I’ve needed and what I wanted. And I’m looking forward to focusing on the thesis project, and already have some ideas for that, which I’ll share here as time goes on.

Finally, the course has helped me return to optimism. There are so many good ideas floating around, so many ways that digital and data can be used for the good – we just have to find ways past our current troubles and implement them.