Since I last wrote, I got back my feedback on my initial proposal, met with the potential project partners, and have continued to read books that I find relevant to the subject matter that I might be interested in talking… Continue Reading →
One idea I’ve found urbanism to be fascinated with is community. It’s a reasonable fascination, if you ask me. We live in a time where isolation and loneliness are rampant. People feel detached, unable to find friends, romantic partners, hobbies,… Continue Reading →
In a recent post, I mentioned wanting to read “Emergent Tokyo”, a book that discusses the urban structures of Post-War Tokyo that are often viewed as iconic, alongside their “emergent nature”, meaning that they arose naturally, rather than being top-down… Continue Reading →
So one debate that I had been thinking about for a bit was whether I wanted to work with the project partners that EFI works with on my dissertation. On one hand, having a concrete base to build my ideas… Continue Reading →
Suburbs have been a big problem with the design of American Cities for decades, and they’ve been an aspect of those cities that has bothered me for many years now–at minimum since I began having to drive to school back… Continue Reading →
One of the things I’ve thought about a lot this semester is the writing of Tom Slater in Shaking Up the City. This was a reading in Envisioning Sustainable Lands and Cities class that has stayed with me throughout the… Continue Reading →
This is probably going to be a relatively short entry since not much has happened since the last blog, but I did have my first idea for something I’d maybe be interested in researching for my project, and it was… Continue Reading →
After a month and half of classes at EFI, I think it’s about time that I start thinking about what I’ve learned in my first two intensive classes and the takeaways these lessons have given me to consider as I… Continue Reading →
Blogging is one of those things that I’ve always thought I’d always want to do, but now that I’m here trying to write this, I’m struggling a lot more than I thought. Part of it is definitely the subject matter…. Continue Reading →
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