This annotated bibliography elucidates the socio-environmental impacts of the Natural stone extraction industry. The utilization of Natural stone in the field of Interior Design is extensive and is highly stipulated by the clientele. Hence, it is imperative that designers understand the resourcing of the material and modulate the usage judiciously. 

Nathan. “The Impact of Natural Stone Building Materials On Sustainability and the Environment.” Polycor Inc., September 23, 2023. Available at -

The internet article highlights the different benefits of Natural stone, first by outlining its credibility in sustainable architecture by reducing the embodied carbon associated with structures. It then goes on to illustrate the economic benefits in terms of cost efficiency, waste reduction, and boosting local economies. It also explains the environmental advantages such as durability against varied weather conditions while requiring minimal secondary treatment and lessening carbon intensity. This written piece of work is orchestrated by a Natural Stone supplier company and is targeted at Architects and Interior designers who drive their sales. While the article mostly makes valid arguments, some of the points of discussion like natural stone usage propelling an increase in biodiversity seem inaccurate, with no sources to substantiate the arguments. 

Regatta exports. “Mining of Marble and Its Environmental Impact” Indian Natural Stone Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier & Factory, July 18, 2023. Available at –

This web article canvasses the adverse impacts of the mining industry in simple terms, making it coherent for any generic reader. It briefs about the several ramifications of Marble mining such as deforestation, soil erosion, and land degradation. The deterioration of the quality of air and water due to Marble mining and the following impact of the same on aquatic life is also shortly spoken about. It concludes by urging the stakeholders of the mining industry to incorporate sustainable mining and extraction methods. The arguments in this article seem valid, though there are no sources that substantiate the same. 

Rathore, K. “ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MINING AND PROCESSING OF MINERALS: A REVIEW.” Centre for Climate Change and Water Research, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur VOL. 7, 2020, no. 2347–7741 (n.d.): pp 85-93.

The journal article firstly, through a series of literature studies, reviews beneficial findings that deal with the mining and processing of the mineral extracted. Secondly, discusses the impacts of the mining process on the surrounding environments with respect to Air, Water, and Soil Pollution as well as on human health. The author concludes by saying that while the Mining industry is important for the economic growth of the country, it is also essential for us to address the negative impacts of the same on the environment. This article is comprehensible to any generic reader and is spoken to in simple terms. It contributes to further readings about the topic by illustrating each of the adverse impacts in vivid detail. 

T.A, Ako, Onoduku U.S., Waziri S.H., Adegbe M., Chukwu J.N., and Kajena C.M. “Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Marble Quarrying on Surface Water at Kwakuti, Niger State, North Central Nigeria.” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) Volume-1, no. 1 (July 2015).

This journal article elaborates on the environmental impacts of Marble quarrying on surface water through a series of methods assessing the physical and chemical properties of water samples at Kwakuti, a region in Nigeria. The study involved field work where the geology of the area was analyzed and laboratory work that involved analyzing the physio-chemical properties of the water samples collected. The article is targeted at an academic audience and can contribute to furthering the studies pertaining to the field.