In Week 8, Jalila and I went to charity shops to find things on the prop list.

Here is the prop list that was sent to us:

prop list 3

Our budget for props was 120, but Roisin recommended we aim for 100 first.

Jalila and I met in Stockbridge, and began at The Bethany Shop. There, we bought a toy doll, 3 glass bottles, and spoons.

Charity Shops:

While I did not record the names of the other shops we went into, we managed to also buy CDs and 2 posters. While we were instructed to purchase as many mirrors as possible, we found this quite a challenge, as most mirrors we found in the charity shops were 20 pounds and up, even the small ones. This did not fit into our budget whatsoever, so we were not able to purchase any mirrors. In total, for the sourcing we did that day, 15 pounds were spent.

Attached below is a picture of the props we picked up:

Building begins next week, and I know that Roisin and Felicity have also picked up some props, so I will update them with our findings and figure out what else needs to be done pre-build.