
In preparation for our second social media meeting for The Long Way Home, I looked at some Instagram pages of other short films. Although The Long Way Home has a different aesthetic, it is worth taking note of the timeline of their posts, the type of content they posted, and how they stuck to a specific theme. The best Instagram pages had cohesive imagery, which was something we discussed in last weeks meeting. Each of the instagram pages all introduced the crew that worked on the film, did various forms of countdowns to the films release, and kept their posts within a set aesthetic. Looking at other pages helped me further understand the type of content we need to collect and create for The Long Way Home, and how often we’ll need to post. On the most part, the pages seemed to post every couple of days.

 Social Media Meetings

On the 29th March we had a second meeting to discuss what we were going to post, and start coordinating the posting schedule to create a firmer plan for The Long Way Home’s social media page. We decided that Instagram is the best platform to reach the desired demographic, which allowed us to cater our planned posts to the platforms layout. For example, we discussed posting a short teaser clip for the film, but in vertical format to fit in with the ‘reels’ format on Instagram. We also discussed various outlets to reach out to to advertise the film, such as Edinburgh University’s student newspaper, although we later made the decision to predominantly focus on digital marketing. Unfortunately the teams graphic designer, Holly Travers, was unable to make the meeting to we scheduled another meeting to coordinate with her.

On Monday the 8th of April, we had a zoom call with Holly Travers, which was led by Martha Roseweir’s co-producer Aaron de Veres. Holly shared a powerpoint with a marketing strategy she had designed, and shared a link to a notion page (seen below) so all of us could collaborate online and add ideas to one place. In her marketing strategy presentation, Holly outlined some brand guidelines and shared some of her visual inspiration for the page. She also outlined some of the content she plans to create with us. The notion page will help with efficiency and also make it easier to delegate different tasks. The idea is to add ideas to the notion page and then start posting by next week.

Over the next month and potentially further into the future, we will start posting and I will continue to help run the social media account for The Long Way Home. I believe the research and preparation I have done has prepared me for this continued role, and our effective communication as a team will allow for further delegation of tasks and ultimately smooth management of the account.



