Meeting for The Long Way Home

On the 19th of March we had a meeting with Martha Roseweir’s co-producer Aaron de Veres, who is also leading the team for social media. There is a graphic design student working with us to help design the appearance of the social media account and some of the content we will post. We started out by identifying the niche audiences that the film fits within, so that we can cater our marketing to our target audiences. We came up with a list of categories that The Long Way Home fits into, which could be used as selling points.

  • The film has a folky/indie aesthetic
  • Homey – it was filmed in the directors hometown and the children cast were locals
  • Female director
  • Young protagonists – may appeal to younger audiences
  • Comedy/comedy-drama
  • Mixed-media – use of animation
  • Filmed in North East Scotland but with an Edinburgh based crew
  • Romanticised Scottish setting which may appeal to international audience
  • Friendship theme
  • Magical/fantasy/mystical elements along with daydreaming/imagination
  • The film has nostalgic qualities
  • Student film – young cast and crew

Therefore the film may appeal to audiences of various ages, and anyone who likes comedy-drama films. It may be particularly appealing to Scottish people or those who are looking to support young female artists. We then started brainstorming the type of content we could create and post. We also discussed the idea of having a rough posting schedule to stay organised and so we can anticipate how much material we have to be prepared to post.  Some of our ideas were:

  • A coming soon post accompanied with visuals
  • Mood boards of visuals and films that inspired the film
  • Album covers and playlist inspiration
  • Introductory posts for cast and crew with headshots and a short bio
  • Behind-the-scenes pictures
  • Stills from the film
  • Pictures showing the props used and other logistical details from filming
  • An interview with the director
  • Teaser trailer

Aaron shared the current visual design for the The Long Way Home, which included the colour scheme, fonts and general design that our posts will stick to.