The First Swallow

On Monday the 26th of February, I met up with Kristína Bujnová to discuss the progress on her film. For various reasons, editing on her project has been delayed so I reached out asking if there was anything I could help with. She let me know there was some footage that still needed sorting through, so we met up so she could transfer the footage to my hard drive. The footage was from VHS tapes, which Kristína had digitalised over Christmas. Once I had the footage I went through each clip, renaming them with the date they had been filmed. I also tried to organise the files into chronological order, but it turned out I couldn’t change the properties of a file from a MacBook. As an alternative, I tagged each clip with the year they were filmed, so that I could change the settings to sort the files by their tag. This was more successful, and all the clips were arranged in order of year. Afterwards, I watched through each clip looking for distortion. I tagged a clip yellow if it had some distortion but if it still had some useable footage, and I tagged a clip orange if all the footage was affected. This should make the editing process easier, as Kristína and her co-editor will be able to quickly identify the time period and the quality of the footage.