Component 1.4 Thematic Analysis

Curating an Activist Exhibition Dr. Maura Reilly describes curatorial activism as, “the practice of organising art exhibitions with the principal aim of ensuring that large constituencies of people are no longer ghettoised or excluded from the master narratives of art” (Genova 2018). The traditional white cis upperclass male perspective has trampled any varied point of […]

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Component 1.3 Thematic Analysis

Engineering Diverse Perspectives in Museums Curating for the most part has historically been based on the idea that there is something to be gained from exposing the public to cultural and historical knowledge through the exhibition of certain works (Walhimer 2015). Traditionally, these exhibitions have been curated by experts with working knowledge of the exhibition […]

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Component 1.2 Self Appraisal

(1) Identify your key responsibilities and list the main areas of work you have been involved in. Briefly highlight the skills and competencies that are relevant to this project/work area. Responsibilities Design: I was for the most part solely in charge of designing the brand, marketing material, and interpretation for the exhibition. This involved creating a […]

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Component 1.1 Case Study Analysis

Sustainable Exhibitions As I progress through this year of study, I find myself questioning what it means to be a curator. Although the job description can be quite straightforward, I like to pay special attention to the nuances the position holds. Curators are tasked with presenting work, as I am now tasked with presenting Winnie […]

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My name is Paolina and first impressions are hard, so let’s stick to the basics. I am currently working on a MScR in Collections and Curating Practices at the University of Edinburgh. I hope to gain experience in the creative sector and develop a prosperous relationship with the arts, research, and writing. I have many […]