Component 1.5 – Update 6

Now that the fruits of our labour have been picked and enjoyed it is time to reflect and understand the decisions that were made. We have accumulated the evaluation material and found that the exhibition was mostly received very well. There were criticisms and observations that have given us a valuable opportunity to learn from. […]

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Component 1.5 – Update 5

Install had its own set of issues as expected, but ultimately the exhibition came together swimmingly. The wood for the stud wall was delivered late and Winnie needed final say on the purposed wallpaper that was going up behind it. The zine was changed to be printed in colour because we did not inform Joey […]

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Component 1.5 – Update 4

It’s crunch time. After the holidays, we have wasted no time getting back into the grove of things. There are a number of things that have not panned out the way that we would have hoped. However the group has been incredibly flexible and we are consistently coming up with suitable alternatives. Our plan of […]

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Component 1.5 – Update 3

We have decided that we want our exhibition and plan of events to be an imaginative space for resistance. The project is starting to progress quite rapidly and we are really starting to get somewhere. We have decided to display Dampbusters (2021) as our center piece. We have begun to commission work from different artists […]

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Component 1.5 – Update 2

We are currently in the conceptual phase of this project. We are trying to come up with themes that we will focus our exhibition on. This process has proved to be difficult because there is a plethora of inspiration that we could draw from. Winnie Herbstein’s work is an attempt to understand housing issues through […]

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Component 1.5 – Update 1

The course has just begun. Moving to a new country and starting a Masters program, has been no small feat. In this course we are entrusted in pursuing a Guided Research Placement, here we will be given briefs on two possible placements. We will be spending the course of our program working on these briefs […]

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