Category: Uncategorised
In week 9, i was tasked with creating moodboards that can show my design’s materials and atmosphere. As i got 2 floors in my plan and they do not share the same function and atmosphere, i decided to create two board, each representing one floor. The first board shows my design idea for the basement. […]
In week 5, after a short site research review, we were introduced to a unique practice. Out tutor tasked us with creating three sketchy plans and a more refined plan, so that we can have a initial idea of our further development. After the practice, a chance was given to us for commenting each others’ […]
In week 2, we went to two different office spaces to observe and learn from designers’ experience. These examples provide useful and inspiring information. The first office that we visited is located in a building that was not originally designed for office use. The building was once a ecclesial property, hence the interior space is […]
Week 1 Site Visit The visit of the Scottish Design Exchange was participated in Wednesday. By using a tape measure and laser measurer, i documented a series of information about the site. The interesting part of the site is its roof. As it is uneven and irregular, some part of the site have a considerable […]
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