Hi everyone! I am Daria, I am 20 years old and I study interior design. I believe this course is for utmost importance and relevance to my course, as eco friendly and sustainable design are topics very prevalent of the modern day. I believe that especially in the future, let’s say 10 years from now, interior design and architecture will be constantly intertwined with the idea of environmentalism. Whether we re talking about ethically sourced materials and ways of creating self-sustaining spaces through the use of solar panels or smart irrigation systems, there is a lot of room for discovering the best ways of designing and building in a non-detrimental way for the environment. For example, I find the Gardens of the Bay project in Singapore to be a prime example of how well advanced technology and ecology can connect. My project last year was heavily influenced by this concept, as I had a ”Supertree” prototype as an elevator going all the way up through the building. This cylindrical elevator showcases a tree structure that surrounds it. This structure is covered in plants and an irrigation system that is connected to the main water source of the building. However visually pleasing, this structure is meant to bring the outdoors indoors in a multipurpose manner (see fig 2). I believe this is what design should encapsulate nowadays: a harmonious dance between the artificial and the natural. I will strive to create similar projects in the future, that not only are visually pleasing, but also serve a greater purpose. On this blog, I will reflect on different topics discussed during the lectures and seminars and I will place them in relation to interior design and architecture, which are the topics I am most interested in.


fig1- Year 2, sem 1 project, Paterson’s Land- photo taken by me

fig2-  Singapore Supertrees-