Review1 is mainly about clarifying the direction of your research. I answered the questions on the brief to think about the main idea of my project and the direction of my research.

I didn’t have a clear idea of what my project should look like at that time, including my site. I just presented the general directions I wanted to cover. Therefore, the content of review1 was rather haphazard and not well thought out.


The epidemic is exacerbated by the growing number of mental health problems among our youth. I originally thought that this phenomenon existed only in my country, but after reading a lot of international news, I realized that this is not a coincidence. As society develops, the need for material things gradually changes to the pursuit of spirituality. With the arrival of the new crown of pneumonia, this need is being introduced in an even stronger form.

And plants, nature, I think are the most primal and full of life. I think we can influence people’s hearts and minds through the vitality of plants. That was the original idea of why I wanted to do this project.

Teachers suggested that I needed a more defined client group: what age group was it? Facing a certain type of social problem? Or patients who are experiencing a certain type of illness? So, I will be thinking about this in the next few days and fleshing out the target customer so that my project is more targeted and cohesive.

For Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, I looked up the specific objectives and what we could achieve after the class and found that it might not correspond to my project, so I will remove this perspective from my subsequent work.

In terms of thinking about the site, my initial idea was a medium size building that could contain multiple functions, possibly multi-story for the purpose of dividing people. However, my teacher suggested the telephone booths in Dr. Who, and this really inspired me. So I will be focusing my research on smaller buildings such as phone booths in the next few days.