Project Introduction



  • Keywords: nature/therapy/public space
  • A plant-related healing center to help people deal with psychological problems caused by COVID mainly.


  • Q1: What type of use are you interested in designing for e.g. interpretation, educational and exhibition, etc.?
  • A1: Healing space. I pay attention to people’s feelings when they resonate with the interior space, and I also hope that such feelings can bring positive emotions and inspire people.
  • Q2: Why is this design idea important — i.e. what is it you have found out so far that is generating your interest in this topic/field? Why should the subject be addressed, why now?
  • A2: Growing mental health problems in the wake of the pandemic. Some of my friends and I have changed our way of life. My country has a growing number of adolescent mental health problems, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. I thought this phenomenon only existed in my country, but after reading a lot of international news, I found that it is not an accidental phenomenon. With the development of society, people’s demand for material has gradually changed to the pursuit of spiritual level. And with the arrival of covid, that demand has been pushed out in an even more intense form.
    And plants, nature, I think is the most primitive and full of life. I think we can influence people’s hearts through the life force of plants. And plush soft materials can also achieve a healing effect.

What I want to achieve is just like this picture, which is to connect the inner part of plants and people and give people psychological treatment or positive guidance through plants, so as to achieve the effect of healing.



Social benefits

  • Q3:What type of person or organization would be involved in this if it was a real project and who could you talk to gain a greater understanding of the issues involved?
  • A3: The client group of this project is people with psychological problems who need help. There may be the involvement of a mental health committee and a team that understands botany and psychotherapy. I need to understand the connection between plants, healing, and interior design.
  • Q4:How does your project relate to the UN Sustainability goals?
  • A4: It refers to Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities.


Proposed sites

  • Q5: Are you developing a building, a space, an environment, a vehicle, or part of an existing structure?
  • A5: I prefer to renovate old buildings, but if there is a possibility to develop a building, I am happy to try it.
  • Q6: What information can you provide on your current site? i.e google earth view, downloaded plans, etc, photos and sketches from a visit.
  • Q7: Location and any unique characteristics?
  • A6A7: I haven’t decided on my site yet. I prefer a single-storey or multi-storey semi-open building with good lighting and located in a quiet block. The building area is expected to be between 300-800sqm.


Research methods

  • Q10:How you are going to develop your research and what methods will you use i.e building investigations, social research, visits, stats analysis, etc.
  • A10: Questionnaire-based research to analyze the preferences of the current crowd, and find more reference materials in previous years to analyze the trend. In terms of field investigation, I will visit sites many times and try to obtain complete pictures of the flat facade.
  • Q11:Indicate how you see the theme of your main project relating to your dissertation topic.
  • A11: This paper mainly studies the positive guidance of materials and plants in indoor space to people’s psychology, which is similar to the theme of my project, but requires more rigorous research and persuasive professional knowledge.