“The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight.” – John Berger, ‘Ways of Seeing’

Hi, my name is Edward, although most people call me Eddie. I was born and raised in Warwickshire, England, but I now live permanently in Edinburgh where I study photography.

Photography is an integral part of my life, perhaps in the way it has encouraged me to look at the world more carefully. Through the viewfinder of a camera or under the enlarger in the darkroom, one can closely observe and capture our world of patterns, flaws and beauty, in its innumerable forms.

My favourite aspect of photography is the presence or absence of light and how that changes the most mundane objects and moments into beautiful images. Take Shikanosuke Yagaki’s work, ‘Still Life’, for example:


Shikanosuke Yagaki, ‘Still Life’ 1930–9

His ability to capture beauty in his everyday surroundings is inspiring. Something as simple as the way light passes through these glass bowls is presented with such elegance and grace.

Photography is not the only source of inspiration in my work. A large aspect of my work draws from other art forms, such as sculpture and print making, as well as novels, films, history and, of course, my own experiences in the world.

Other than creating images and experimenting with photography, I enjoy listening to music (Radiohead and Blaenavon are 2 of my current favourites), as well as watching dawn and reading a good book 🙂