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Category: Art Practice 2Page 3 of 5

Tim Lewis – Pony (2008) uncanny automata

change of momentum, unpredictability, gentleness of movement Oct 29, 2020

print animation gifs

Some initial gifs considering movement. I tried to think about different types of movement, and I would like to get feedback on which is most uncanny. telescopic versus…

gifs #2

‘this one’s my fav’ ‘comforting but also possessive and a bit dark’ (maybe this is related to the apathetic eye contact) ‘a sense of loyalty, you know the…

gifs: initial animation

animations of initial photos of movement – reflections = better lighting, individual photos rather than video stills (remote control shutter), lighter clothing Oct 27, 2020

Affection and Personhood to Alien Invasion

Associations from tutorial discussion and reflection Oct 26, 2020

wardrobe exhibitions

confinement, closeness, surround, contact Oct 24, 2020

wearable hot water bottle / Panamarenko

Added loops so I could attach this long hot water bottle thing to my back – like a satchel/baby sling. Inspired  by the work of Panamarenko (pictured here…

Lens of self versus Lens of ‘other’

To look at my own work, as well as the work of other artists, through different lenses allows me to analyse possible associations with my work and to…

spray paint on foam pieces

  Oct 19, 2020

elongation + personification

hot water bottle rubber Pinocchio Frankenstein Oct 19, 2020

red food dye

red food dye poured over hot water bottle casts I don’t know why it’s turned blue – it seems t be gradually turning more blue as the days…

Projection of hwb prints

Borrowed a projector – explored comparisons to the body, creating a space to be within, projecting onto a sheet to interact with Oct 16, 2020

Foam Tubes

filling the inside of hot water bottle strip tubes with expandable foam Oct 16, 2020

Tutorial Discussion pm 12/10

(associations artists/research actions) Oct 12, 2020


Associations with my hot water bottle related creations so far, from tutorials, 1:1 meetings and casual conversation. Oct 12, 2020

Haegue Yang

Haegue Yang   Oct 12, 2020

Body Intersections

Oct 11, 2020


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