Week 5 – Beginning the Journey towards the Final Project

This week took me full-circle back to my background in Literature and Education, as we began thinking about our final project idea for our thesis.
I realised I am especially interested in prose, and how prose might look like in the future, especially in accessible areas on the internet which might be accessed by anyone – and thus consequently influence their perspective and opinion on contemporary prose. With the introduction of ChatGPT and Character AI etc., our experiences online are looking different, and will continue to do so.
Additionally, I have been very focussed in researching and analysing the relationship between creative writing and AI in predominantly non-monetised fields, such as:
- public blogs
- forums
- social media
- fan fiction
So I really wanted to focus on how that may be represented. Originally, I was going to stick with prose, but during Creative Visual Narratives, I enjoyed being challenged by various art and design forms, and resounded especially with the comic or manhua format. I would like to take this further, so…
For my final project, I would like to create two separate comics inspired by the exact same premise. One generated entirely by AI: images and text alike. And another created entirely by hand: images and text alike. The aim would be to record and analyse the process, and predict what contrasting effects it’s output might have – as well as whether they have a similar audience.
Following the group session today, I have identified the following challenges I might encounter throughout the process:
- Ensuring the AI ‘sticks’ to the prompt and that a cohesive story, with a visible continuity, is told
- Deciding whether to begin with one version first, or to attempt both at the same time and make tweaks along the way
Therefore, this week’s work for the final project will consist of a) identifying where a suitable prompt may be drawn from, and b) looking at appropriate programs for the final two comics produced.