Year: 2021
Deciding the date, time and length of the webinar After the last meeting with Neil on 16/03/2021, we agreed that the original length of the webinar was a little ridiculous. I originally thought that two sets of four-hour sessions were a reasonable amount. This mostly came from my overestimation of how much time each topic […]
Thoughts behind the poster To raise awareness for my project I always knew I would have to make a poster of some kind. A poster that is not only eye-catching, but a poster that tells the viewer immediately what it is about. This poster had to bring a message across. In a world where society, […]
Meetings with advisors After our first meeting with our advisor, Katriona Edlmann and Dylan Price on 22/10/2020, Nils (my classmate who I was planning on working with) and I were able to get our ideas out in the open. Both our advisors were very impressed with our ideas and thought the next step would be […]
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