In 2019 I wrote my proposal and had 3 research questions.
In January 2021, I started my PhD and rewrote my research questions.
A year later, I don't like my research questions. I am looking at them and thinking - how dull and clunky they are.
Yet, I need research questions. I have a progression board paper to write. And everything I've read about research insists they are important. And I agree. How else will I stop myself drifting in the sea of downloaded pdfs?

So am now "wasting time" by going back to my early notes and the research text books. I am writing words on A3 sheets of paper and drawing arrows between them. I am quite enjoying it to be honest, I love writing words on A3 sheets of paper and drawing arrows. I am quite good at it.
Having some research questions that are reasonably focused and clear will be a big help. But I know I will probably have to rip them up and start over a few times over the years...
The word of the day: ITERATIVE