Shift/Work Speculations Cards (2017) designed by Jake Watts Neil Mulholland ‘Shift/Work: Speculations’, in L. Campbell (ed.), Leap into Action, New York: Peter Lang. 12th December 2019. pages 21-26; 39-40; 59-60 ISBN 9781433166440 Shift/Work is a performative paragogics (Corneli 2011) that… Continue Reading →
PhD Title: Situating Artistic-Anthropological Research AHRC Creative Economy Studentship Atelier Skye ATLAS Arts & The University of Edinburgh Atelier Network, May 2017 The University of Edinburgh, in partnership with the University of Aberdeen, Deveron Projects (Huntly, Aberdeenshire), ATLAS Arts (Portree, Skye)… Continue Reading →
Shift/Work: Composing and Playing Artistic Workshops Neil Mulholland & Jake Watts March 22nd & 23rd 2017 Kochi-Muziris Biennale Biennale Office, Fort Kochi, Kochi, India Workshop-Workshop / H-Frame Wed 22nd March 2017, 10 am to 1 pm Unlearning Wed 22nd March 2017,… Continue Reading →
Speculations is a two day Shift/Workshop. Speculations will be collectively composed and play-tested at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop on the 3rd and 4th of March 2017, a participatory action-research workshop ordained to fabricate speculative artistic research methods. Click this link to… Continue Reading →
Lightning Talk for Gearing Up for Transitions Conference, 2016 This Must be the Place, slides by Neil Mulholland GUp Bring and Brag – This Must be the Place, A4 synopsis Building and Installing Dividing Walls, a manual by Tobias Sternberg Summary: MFA… Continue Reading →
This workshop will help you to comprehend how your decisions impact upon your peers (and vice versa). Working in a small group, you will collectively engage in a series of simple creative tasks. These tasks have been designed by a… Continue Reading →
The 4th International Visual Methods Conference, organized by the University of Brighton will take place from 16th September to the 18th September 2015 at the University of Brighton in Brighton, United Kingdom. The conference will cover areas like International Visual… Continue Reading →
In 2014, Shift/Work commissioned an artist (Leeds United and designer (Crille Lampa to facilitate a three-day workshop at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. Shift/Work Unlearning (28-30th May 2014) acted upon current discourses and practices that engage with the values of… Continue Reading →
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