Reflect on your current practice and reason about possibilities for development of online and blended learning designs. I’ve been working on developing a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model for my courses for some time – or Collaborative Inquiry as it… Continue Reading →
The deceptively simple term open hides a great deal of complexity, much of which depends on the particular context within which open practice is considered. Thus it is imperative to move beyond open-versus-closed dichotomies and even beyond unified conceptions of… Continue Reading →
Thursday 25th November 2021 11:00 to 13:00 Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop //// 21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh EH6 4JT, Scotland Artists’ Toolkits are free, open resources created by artists for the purpose of sharing their practices. For this year’s Art & Open… Continue Reading →
The Foundation Course in Art and Design: Past, Present and Future: Collective Imagining Symposium to be held virtually as part of FutureLab in Shanghai on Friday 3rd December 2021. The event will be hosted by the current steering committee of INFE (International Foundation Network) and hosted virtually by… Continue Reading →
An appearance in Neven Lochhead’s Fabricating Vibe project – DARK MATTER PLAYGROUP, Kingston ON, Canada. May 6, 2021
This year’s Art & Open Learning Fair builds upon Georg Hardenberg / Novalis / Joseph Beuys’ 1978 provocation: JEDER MENSCH EIN KÜNSTLER. The Fair is a process that has emerged from the open educational resource (OER) produced by Neil Mulholland,… Continue Reading →
Introduction to Contemporary Art & Open Learning The Rules of the Game Learning/Experiments Collaborative Inquiry What are the learning resources? What are workshops? What is a Crit? OERs and Paywalls Stand-up #studywithme Edutech Tooooooooools Week 1 | Marginalia on the… Continue Reading →
The Groundcourse is a two year foundation led by Roy Ascott at Ealing (1961-64), Ipswich School of Art (1964-67) and currently at Beijing DeTao Masters Academy in Shanghai. Groundcourse is a seminal educational experiment that is a key influence on Shift/Work. Prof… Continue Reading →
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