The Foundation Course in Art and Design: Past, Present and Future: Collective Imagining Symposium to be held virtually as part of FutureLab in Shanghai on Friday 3rd December 2021. The event will be hosted by the current steering committee of INFE (International Foundation Network) and hosted virtually by… Continue Reading →
Contemporary Art & Open Learning: An OER for Artistic Paragogy Neil Mulholland Hour 22 (starting 10 Dec 2021, 10 am UTC+0) Click to join the session #OERCamp Global 2021 on Please create account in order to enrol for the… Continue Reading →
20.4.21 11:20 BST A Reflective Practice paper at #OERxDomains21 organised by the Association for Learning Technology @A_L_T in partnership with Reclaim Hosting’s Domains Conference, this special edition of the much loved event is the 12th annual conference for Open Education… Continue Reading →
postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies (2019) Scheihing Edgardo Flickr: Meteorito El Chaco Meteorito_El_Chaco_100_2422 8 September 2011, 17:28:25 This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. As contemporary artistic practice has become ever more polymorphous and multispatial, large scale… Continue Reading →
The Scottish Society for Art History’s Study Day for 2018 is on the theme of Art Organisations and Institutions in Scotland. The event is hosted in association with Fine Art Critical Studies, The Glasgow School of Art, and will take… Continue Reading →
Neil Mulholland – “Best Practices of Artistic Research at LERU Universities” Meeting of the LERU Social Sciences & Humanities Policy Group at the University of Zürich, Collegium Helveticum Semper-Sternwarte, Zürich 🇨🇭 16/10/17 Oct 15, 2017
Shift/Work : ISSOTL17, Calgary, Alberta, 🇨🇦 Directed by Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (Dan Brown) and Edinburgh College of Art (Prof Neil Mulholland), Shift/Work is a collective that composes workshops that cause participants to reflect upon and recalibrate processes of artistic learning…. Continue Reading →
A multidisciplinary conference on medievalism in the post-Middle Ages. MAMO 3 will take place at the University of Manchester between 28 June and 1 July, 2017. SATURDAY 1 JULY MAIN LECTURE THEATRE, SAMUEL ALEXANDER BUILDING, THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, Lime Grove, Manchester M13 9PP… Continue Reading →
The Porous University – A critical exploration of openness, space and place in Higher Education | 8th and 9th May, An Lòchran, Inverness Campus Prof Neil Mulholland “Der Fachidiot”: The Paratechnic in the Monotechnic (slide cast of provocation paper): Paratechnic Principals …… Continue Reading → More specifically, in attunement with neo-animist configurations of the ‘non-human turn’, this paper evokes a cosmology in which aesthetics is not limited to the sensual relations between human self and world but instead describes a synesthetic hyper-economy through which… Continue Reading →
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