10:00 Friday 30th September 2016 | Confraternity of Neoflagellants | Listaháskóli Íslands 11, Þverholt, Reykjavík, 105, Iceland Neil Mulholland og Norman Hogg from Myndlistardeild LHI on Vimeo. Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of… Continue Reading →
Atelier: Daniel Miller Atelier’s Dr Angela McClanahan will interview Daniel Miller @DannyAnth within the Still life with flying objects exhibition on Sunday 21st August. Hosted by @Rhubaba as part of @EdArtFest 2016 http://edinburghartfestival.com/whats-on/detail/a-conversation-with-daniel-miller (Part 1) (Part 2) Rhubaba presents Still life with flying objects, a group exhibition that… Continue Reading →
Mr @taytoettayto reprise paleo-futurist potato-based performance for Nemoralia @ Jupiter Artland, 6th August 17:00 Edinburgh Art Festival 2016 https://www.jupiterartland.org/whats-on/nemoralia Aug 6, 2016
The Atelier takes place in Trotternish, Waternish and Duirinish, Isle of Skye 9th-13th MAY 2016 with Atlas Arts http://atlasarts.org.uk What is ‘Atelier, Skye’? A charrette is an intensive participatory group that engages a common enquiry. Atelier, Skye is a three-day charrette wherein a group of… Continue Reading →
Atelier Present: Richard Sennett The Craftsman THIS EVENT HAS SOLD OUT Atelier warmly welcome Professor Richard Sennett, who will be discussing his seminal work The Craftsman at The University of Edinburgh. In this book, he shows how history has drawn fault-lines between craftsman and artist,… Continue Reading →
The Groundcourse is a two year foundation led by Roy Ascott at Ealing (1961-64), Ipswich School of Art (1964-67) and currently at Beijing DeTao Masters Academy in Shanghai. Groundcourse is a seminal educational experiment that is a key influence on Shift/Work. Prof… Continue Reading →
Mr @taytoettayto in paleo-futurist potato-based performance for Megahammer @artschool_ @GIfestival Thurs 7 Apr 7-9pm glasgowinternational.org/events/marvin- Apr 3, 2016
This workshop will help you to comprehend how your decisions impact upon your peers (and vice versa). Working in a small group, you will collectively engage in a series of simple creative tasks. These tasks have been designed by a… Continue Reading →
Transtime, Techne & Enchantment: Torsten Lauschmann Text and Q&A commissioned by the Edinburgh Artists Moving Image Festival Dec 10, 2015
January 23, 2015 School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh (Hunter Lecture Theatre), 10.00 am with Hans Abbing, Evangelos Chrysagis, The Confraternity of Neoflaggelants (Norman James Hogg and Neil Mulholland), Angela McClanahan, Georgios Papadopoulos, Stevphen Shukaitis, Marina… Continue Reading →
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