Stained Glass in Glasgow cathedral dedicated to the memory of the Oswalds of Scotstoun.
The arms of the Oswalds of Scotstoun sit as a memorial in the windows of Glasgow Cathedral. This 1856 window replaced an earlier memorial window to the Oswald family – who are also memorialised by the initials R.O., which are carved into the flagstone floor adjacent to the pulpit. These initials R.O. mark the family crypt (unused?) of Richard Oswald of Auchincruive, a partner in Grant, Oswald and Company, who were the most notorious traders of enslaved people during the 18th century.
More can be found out about Richard Oswald’s Scottish estate, and his links to the transatlantic slave trade here.

Oswald’s Temple, Auchincruive
Richard Oswald also purchased the Auchincruive Estate in Ayrshire, where he commissioned the 18th century architect Robert Adam to construct a tea-house within his grounds.
More can be found out about this building, and its legacies here.
Information taken from: UCL Legacies of British Slave Ownership database, the Dictionary of Scottish Architects, and Old Country Houses of the Old Glasgow Gentry, 1878.
Image Attributes:
Image 1:- Stained Glass in Glasgow cathedral dedicated to the memory of the oswalds of Scotstoun (Creative Commons)
Image 2: Oswald’s Temple, Auchincruive (Creative Commons)