Tag: University of Edinburgh

Ethics of Everyone

A successful collaboration between 3rd year illustrators and MSc School of Education students culminated in a presentation at the School of Education Inclusive pedagogy conference.
Over 2 weeks students reflected on the anagram SHANNARRI, which is a measure of well-being used in Scottish Education. They considered their personal educataional experiences and researched the limited teaching tools that explore issues of the ethics of everyone and issues of social justice. The education students wrote stories exploring the subject and the illustrators responded to these making prototypes of teaching boxes filled with educational games, books and artefacts including cushions, comics and workbooks to facilitate workshops.
The work received excellent feedback from the students and teachers attending the conference. With such great learning potential for all involved Holly Linklater (Lecturer in Education) and Harvey Dingwall  (Lecturer in Illustration) plan to develop the themes and content of this project further for both teaching and research contexts.
