Tag: sorcha fitzgerald

An afternoon with Sorcha Fitzgerald and Jessica Kettle

For this weeks Professional Practice Lecture we will be joined by Freelance Illustrators and ECA Artists in Residents, Sorcha Fitzgerald and Jessica Kettle.

Sorcha is a recent alumni of the undergraduate course and has had a lot of success both during her time on the course and in her graduate practice. Sorcha uses printmaking, collage and a strong sense of narrative within her work, most notably in herself authored picture book, Wolf Girl. She also works in ceramics and set design, pushing the boundaries of her illustration practice.

See more of Sorcha’s work here:


Jessica is a graduate of the MFA course, after studying a BA in Music at York University. In 2012 Jessica was awarded the Langwith Scott Award for individual creativity for ‘The Little Girl Who Dreamt in Colour’, a picture book for children with an accompanying soundtrack. Jessica continues to work in print and children’s book illustration including stories such as ‘Bella’ created in partnership with The Leprosy Mission Scotland.

See more of Jessica’s work here: http://cargocollective.com/jessicakettleillustration

We look forward to hearing their words of wisdom about surviving art school and succeeding in the creative and chaotic world of freelance illustration.

Meet the Residents 2: Sorcha Fitzgerald

Hello! Here are some of the things I have been getting up to recently:

Currently I am working on a personal project illustrating The Girl Without Hands, which is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. I am using mono print to make these (this won’t be a surprise for those of you who know I spent pretty much my entire fourth year solely working in this medium and have somehow managed to avoid becoming averse to it). I’ve really enjoyed having the time to experiment a lot more with this process and feel I have discovered various new ways of working in mono print. I also now have a large stack of predominantly dodgy prints that will probably be used to wrap gifts for unlucky family members and friends for years to come!





I have just created a piece of work that will be in a permanent exhibition at Simpson House, a counselling centre in Edinburgh that helps individuals and families who have been affected by drug abuse. I am delighted to be able to donate my work to an organisation that provides such a beneficial service to the community. For no particular reason, I really wanted to make a collage of a jungle scene, which fortunately is well suited to the décor in the children’s therapy room.



I’ve also been keeping my ceramic work ticking over and made some decorations just before Christmas, which you can take a peek at in the photos below if you so wish.

