Tag: Ann Macleod

upcoming graduates – Ann MacLeod

Having always been a bit preoccupied with magazines and food I thought that now would be a good time to do something with all those years of research I’ve amassed. And so, I’ve been developing a magazine about food called Frankly which is about talking honestly about our food and how it’s sourced. It’s based on conversations I’ve had with various people who are involved in eating, producing and cooking food.

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In terms of my materials, I do love black ink, big paper and a big brush. But when sketching out and about that doesn’t always prove to be the most practical or discreet, so in those circumstances I use bright crayons and brush tip pens instead, with a tendency to use a lot of orange.

I enjoy listening to people and what they have to say, especially if it’s something they’re passionate about. I always find that if someone is interested enough in what they do they’ll have something interesting to tell you. I also quite enjoy a good sketching session in a coffee shop (this is where it comes in handy to be a little more discreet), and tend to quote the occasional person I might be drawing. The only place I think you could hear more interesting stories than in a coffee shop would be a hairdresser.

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Ann Macleod

instagram: ann_macleod_illustration

website: http://annnicleoid.wixsite.com/annmacillustration