Category: Visiting Lecturers

Last Friday Talk of this year: Simon and Angie Lewin!

Angie Lewin - via
Angie Lewin – via

We are pleased to welcome Simon and Angie Lewin as part of our Professional Practice Lecture Series, this Friday at 2.30pm.

Angie and Simon run St. Jude’s Gallery as well as producing limited print runs of beautiful wallpapers and furnishing fabrics. Angie herself is a talented printmaker, painter and designer.

Join us and learn something!

This Friday – Professional Practice Talk with Adrian Jeffrey from Mighty Small

image via
image via

For this week’s Friday Talk we are welcoming Adrian Jeffrey from Mighty Small, an Edinburgh based agency specialising in strategy and advertising. The talk will take place at 2.30pm in the Hunter Lecture Theatre, come and listen to those wise words!

Eleanor Crow to speak at Friday Lectures

This week’s visiting speaker will be Eleanor Crow, as part of our ongoing Professional Practice Lecture Series. Eleanor is a book cover designer and illustrator, and has recently produced a series of portraits of East London cafes. This Friday, 24th January, at 2.30pm in room 2.13. Come and be enlightened!

Cafes by Eleanor Crow – image via

Come and listen to Nobrow’s Sam Arthur

Nobrow’s Sam Arthur will be speaking about his life and work this Friday as part of our ongoing Professional Practice Lecture Series. Nobrow is an independent publisher of many beautiful things, including zines, books and prints of the highest quality.

Nobrow – Illustration by Luke Pearson via

Come and listen to his wise words at 2.30pm, Friday the 17th of January, in room 2.13. See you there!

Recoat Gallery visits ECA Illustration

Ali and Amy of Glasgow’s Recoat Gallery will be talking about their work on October 25th 2013 as part of our Professional Practice lecture series. Over the past few years Recoat have made their name as a place for both emerging and established illustrators, graffiti and street artists, as well as photographers from Scotland and the rest of the world. More recently they have been working on various projects across Europe.


You’re all just jealous of my jetpack!

Visiting Lecturer Tom Gauld

We were delighted to welcome our final Friday visitor of the year last week when Tom Gauld came to town.


Tom graduated from Edinburgh College of Art and went on to graduate from the Royal College of Art in 2001. He is well known within the industry for sharp humour and quirky characterization.

Tom took students through some of his professional projects, describing his relationship of 8 years with the Guardian newspaper and how he developed as a cartoonist. It was a great insight to hear about his working process and see some extracts from his sketchbook. All the professional wisdom was also interspersed with some visual storytelling to hold our attention – this demonstration of timing and how a narrative can be broken up and paced was extremely valuable!


It was fascinating to hear how he tackles the constraints of working in a confined space for his weekly cartoon, an incredibly short story is needed and the wording needs to be concise and carefully refined. He also talked about developing characters for another weekly contribution to the New York Times, a long thin composition this time presents more challenges.


It was a useful reminder to see some of Tom’s inspirations that creative minds need feeding, he showed some of the image makers, toys and the visual references he uses to forms ideas about robots and imaginary worlds, as well as discussing the literary settings that spark off his ideas.

Tom’s new book ‘You’re all just jealous of my jetpack’ is out now.