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First Year Students’ Work at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre

The start of the academic year saw the ten new First Year students take a drawing trip to the Water of Leith. It was a chilly day, so drawing eventually turned to collecting of objects to save students’ fingers from turning an unhealthy shade of blue.

Over the following three weeks, the students combined those objects as well as experiences and impressions from the drawing trip into hand-drawn designs in the studio, and then went on to learn how to turn these into repeating patterns by cutting and moving parts around.

The finished patterns can now be admired at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre (open daily between 10am and 4pm). Go and have a look, it’s well worth a visit!

Some of the patterns created by First Year students
Some of the patterns created by First Year students
A bright day at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre
Students with their work
Students with their work
More students with more work
More students with more work

Student success in Fledgling Press Competition



Fledgling Press invited the Second year Illustration students once again to design artwork for their upcoming publication ‘The Red Man Turns to Green’ by Dickson Telfer. This collection of contemporary short stories set the students a huge challenge as they battled with how to capture the essence of the book without being too specific to any one story.

The design team struggled to narrow the entries down to a shortlist of 5 and published all the entries on their website:

Well done to the winner of the competition, Rachel Cartwright whose cover design is shown above.


Edinburgh College of Art’s Illustration department

Oh hello. This is the first blog post from the illustration department of Edinburgh College of Art. This blog will either flower into great successes and document the students’ every waking breath or will fall into neglect and obscurity.

First up here’s some news: the students have an exhibition of book covers on at the MAIN POINT BOOK SHOP. The poster looks like this: 


You should go and see it.