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The Bunkhouse Project

During last year’s summer break four of our third year Illustrators ventured out in the wild in order to paint a mural based on the landscape and history of Glen Coe.

In preparation for the project Eden Reeve, Han Deacon, Jo Ruessmann and Rosie Hawtin paid three visits to the Bunkhouse hostel and met the owners of the hostel and Benjamin Tindall architects who accepted their design proposal and directed them during the process.

The interior was painted using emulsion paint in different sections of the building; to most of the group this meant working in a new way, to a large scale and in collaboration with fellow illustrators.

Alongside being attacked by midges, as we were told, the 4 spent many busy hours completing this bold and evocative mural. We believe it will serve as a wonderful addition to the bunkhouse visitors’ experience of the Highlands.




This week on the blog, we are featuring soon-to-be-graduate Ellie Walker!

img_0982-jpgMuch of my recent illustration is a concerned with the environment – sharing an appreciation for the outdoors, and using illustration to attempt to address environmental issues.

Some of my fourth-year work was spent designing rootmap, a map of where to buy local and sustainable food in Edinburgh. The decisions we make about food does not just affect us, it impacts our environment, the people who produce it, our local economy and much more. I think it’s important to be mindful of this. Designing rootmap was one small way to try and help others consider responsible and sustainable food options and practically point them in the right direction to find it! I like to make illustration that is useful and practical, this gives me motivation and purpose whilst designing.

(See more at


Much of my work is inspired by being outdoors and I often draw whilst out and about, picking up inspiration from shapes, patterns, colours, stories that I see.

I’m also very inspired by literature, music and history – these themes also crop up in my work now and then

I’m currently working on a seasonal food calendar, wildlife-spotting book for kids, and doing some illustrations based on some favourite extracts of poetry.



Former ECA Student Holly Sterling Nominated for 2016 CILIP Award

Talented ECA illustration alumni Holly Sterling has been going from strength to strength since her graduation in 2013. She has illustrated two published picture books to date; Nativity Story and 15 Things Not To Do With A Baby, written by Margaret McAllister and published by Francis Lincoln. Her beautiful illustrations for the latter of these books has resulted in her being nominated for the 2016 CILIP Kate Greenaway award.

Hardworking Holly has a further six books set to be published next year. In addition to her illustration work, Holly frequently visits schools to hold drawing events and workshops, as well as giving talks to art college students.

Check out her work on her website:

Congratulations Holly!

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Maisie Shearring wins the International Award for Illustration!

A huge congratulations to 2013 Alumni Maisie Shearring, winner of the 7th edition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair – Fundación SM International Award for Illustration.

Maisie was selected from more than 3000 participants from 70 countries, while the judges examined over with 15 thousand works. As the winner, Maisie will be given the task of illustrating a book to be published by the SM Group. The book will be presented at the 2016 edition of the Fair, where Maisie Shearring is also due to hold a personal exhibition of her work. The Bologna Award for Children’s Book Illustration is a highly prestigious prize and an incredible and well deserved achievement.

After studying undergraduate Illustration here with us at Edinburgh College of Art, Maisie underwent an MA in Children’s Book Illustrationat Cambridge School of Art. She has thrived throughout her academic career with her strong sense of style, engaging characters and unique talent for storytelling. In October 2014 Maisie was also selected to be part of the Picturehooks Scheme, with personal mentor Nick Sharratt. We are eagerly awaiting the exhibition of her Picture Hooks work in the National Gallery of Scotland, November 2015 .

The Bologna International Award for Illustration is a fantastic initiative with the aim of encouraging and supporting new talent by bringing the work of young illustrators to the attention of the publishing sector. The panel of Bologna Judges noted that “This young artist has huge potential to evolve and to develop an original voice within the current panorama of illustration”. We couldn’t agree more and cannot wait to see Maisie go from strength to strength in her Illustration Career.



Check out more of Maisie’s work here: