Category: Student Success

Anatomical Museum Drawing Project

This morning in the Illustration Department, we are enjoying looking through the 2nd years anatomical illustrations, influenced by their recent drawing trips to Edinburgh Universities Anatomical Museum.

During this first semester we asked our students produce an anatomical drawing journal. These sketchbooks were intended as a research tool for recording observations and exploring ideas. In addition to a drawing journal, the 2nd years were asked to build a portfolio of large scale observation life drawings, culminating in 1 large, resolved, A1 drawing (pictured below).

Whilst anatomy is an area of science dedicated to the study and dissection of the bodily structure of humans, animals and other living organisms, our students were encouraged to approach ‘anatomy’ in the broadest sense, exploring art, design, science, ethics, life and mortality amongst other things.

Students used drawing to explore the Museum’s broad and diverse anatomical collection, documenting the scientific artifacts, the building itself, overheard conversations and the stories that unfolded during their research.

As well as producing a diverse range of successful illustrations, this project has also paved the way for future collaborations with the various schools of Edinburgh University. A huge thank you the Anatomical Museum for sharing their collection with us. And of course, thank you to the 2nd year students for their hard work and dedication to this exciting and challenging project.

To find out more about The Edinburgh University Anatomical Museum, please visit:





















Winter Feast

As our first semester draws to an end the illustration students are joining with EUSA for a festive celebration. Today Teviot Garden hosts the annual Winter Feast, where students from across all areas of the university come together to enjoy a hog roast, mulled wine & cider, carols music and craft stalls.

Many of of illustrators will be hosting stalls, showcasing their own beautifully designed christmas cards, wrapping papers, prints, artists books and other illustrated gifts. Check out the pictures below for a sneak preview of what our students have on offer today.

Kitty Concertina by Vapuri Karinen
Reversible New Town/ Old Town Zine by Victoria Ball



Make sure you check out Winter Feast today between 11am – 6pm, all our welcome to join the festivities!

Le Immagini Della Fantasia 32

Today in the Illustration Department we’re very excited to receive the 32nd edition of ‘Le immagini della fantasia’, the catalogue of an Italian exhibition that is currently showcasing the work of many of our talented staff and alumni. Every year Casa Della Fantsia invites illustrators, authors and publishers to represent the international illustration scene in all its amazing variety, and to confirm the value of the illustrated book.

Additionally, this year the exhibition celebrates Tales from Scotland. Triggered by the success of the 29th edition of ‘Le immagini della fantasia’ held in the Edinburgh College of Art Sculpture Court in 2012,  Casa Della Fantsia has dedicated an entire section to Scotland, with its traditional fairy tales and contemporary writers. The catalogue includes atmospheric glimpses of Scottish landscapes illustrated by Anine Bösenberg, Anna Forlati, Jonathan Gibbs, Philip Giordano, Kate Leiper, John Manna, Marina Marcolin, Kate McLelland, Domenica More Gordon, Lucie Müllerová, Paschetta Marco, Marco Soma, Emily Sutton, Francesca Zoboli.

Not to mention a wonderful poem written by tutor, Vivian French, following Scotland and its traditions in a thrilling journey throughout the year, each month illustrated by Edinburgh based artists in collaboration with the Edinburgh College of Art, including Anine Bösenberg, Laura Clark, Laura Darling, Hannah Foley, Jonathan Gibbs, Alexander Jackson, Cate James, Amy Johnston, Philip Longson, Kasia Matyjaszek, Kate McLelland, Eilidh Muldoon. (images found below)

Congratulations to all involved. The exhibition is being held at Sàrmede, Casa della fantasia, until January 18th 2015. Photo 03-12-2014 14 45 42calendar 1 calendar 2 calendar 3

Fact and Fiction

Yet another exciting book has arrived! As you may have read in earlier blogposts, at the beginning of this semester our 3rd year students completed a project called ‘Fact and Fiction’. The year group were split into two. The first half explored reportage illustration, using drawing as a form of documenting information. The second group were given the freedom to produce a fictional comic strip, exploring a theme of there choosing.

To celebrate the success of the project, the illustrated narratives were then collected and formatted into a vibrant and varied book. Enjoy some of the taster spreads below, ‘Fact and Fiction: A collection of comics and reportage for the heart and mind’ can be printed to order from the following link.

Congratulations to all involved.

Photo 03-12-2014 14 46 19  Photo 03-12-2014 14 47 34 Photo 03-12-2014 14 48 00

2nd Year Print Project

This semester, our 2nd year illustrators have been given the important task of exploring print medium and developing their printmaking skills. From screen print to intaglio to relief, students were inducted into a variety of techniques, allowing them to make the most of our fantastic printing facilities throughout their time on the course.

To challenge our students further, they were given the theme of ‘Broadsides’. Historically, broadsides were posters, announcing events or proclamations. The students were asked to take the format of a broadside and use it to illustrate a historically important or personally relevant speech. This could conceptual, abstract or literal, as long as the finished artwork was an effective form visual communication.

The students showed the ability to carry out in-depth research and to experiment and develop in there new printed mediums. We look forward to seeing their printmaking skills evolve throughout the year.

2nd yr pp 42nd year print project2nd yr pp 2 2nd yr pp 3

Student’s Illustration Featured in The Guardian

We are very happy to announce that 4th year Morag McClenaghan has recently had her fashion illustrations featured on The Guardian fashion blog. The article explores alternative mediums to street style photography including a discussion on Morag’s role in shaping the underground illustrated street style movement.

Read the article here:

Explore Morag’s website here:


French Film Festival Poster Competition

Earlier this semester our students worked on a fantastic exhibition held in the Filmhouse Cafe Bar. In collaboration with the French Film Institute, each illustrator redesigned a classic french film poster in celebration of the 22nd French Film Festival UK. The chosen films varied in genre, tone, taste and era, leading to a diverse range of beautifully illustrated posters.

Students enjoyed re-imagining the original poster designs, considering composition, typography and of course the all important idea behind their image. Final artworks used portraits, collections of objects and metaphors to represent their chosen film. Students also experimented in medium, resulting in an exciting range of screen printed, digital, hand painted and mixed media posters.

With 25 participating students from First Year to Masters, the project was a great opportunity for different year groups to get to know one another and for younger years to gain knowledge from the older years exhibition experience.

The opening was a huge success, enjoyed by staff, students and the public. The posters were reviewed by a very impressed and impressive judging panel, including Richard Mowe, Ilona Morison and Dove Alarcon from the French Film Institute and Marc Jacobs from the Filmhouse. And in an exciting finale to the project, 4th year student George Douglas was awarded first place and a 6 month pass to the Filmhouse. Sophie Powell-Hall, Sara Ljeskovac and Kristina Karnilaviciute were also given honourable mentions for their thought provoking posters.

Many thanks to the French Film Festival and congratulations to all involved!


























The Modernist Venue Poster

This project was inspired by the great collection of posters that emerged from the Modernist era. We asked our first years to promote an event venue in Edinburgh through designing and printing a poster drawing on Modernist principles. Edinburgh is a city full of events including music, theatre, comedy and more. Many historic buildings have been converted into venues offering a range of cultural experiences. This project was a great opportunity for our new students to explore the city and to trigger their curiosity. Check out their fantastic finished products.

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Observer Cape Comic Competition

Recently a selection of our talented third year students have entered the Observer Cape Comic Competition. The brief was to create a 4 page comic, with the freedom to base their comics on any theme that our inventive illustrators could imagine. The esteemed judging panel includes Peter Serafinowicz (actor, comedian and writer) Isabel Greenberg (author of The Encyclopedia of Early Earth), Rachel Cooke (The Observer), Dan Franklin (Publisher, Jonathan Cape), Paul Gravett (Director, Comica Festival) and Suzanne Dean (Random House Creative Director). Our fingers are crossed and we wish our students the best of luck.

Take a look at some fantastic examples from Paige Collins and Mhairi Braden below:

paige 1 paige 2 paige 3 paige 4 Paige Collins

mahiri 1 mhairi 2 ns3mhairi 4 Mhairi Braden

First Year Printing Project

A fresh new group of first year Illustration students have arrived, all of which have just recently moved to Edinburgh and are very keen to explore their new home; and how could one do this better than through a drawing trip?
So we set out to discover parts of the city, and our tour took us through the Meadows, up to the National Museum of Scotland and St. Giles Cathedral, ending with a panoramic view from the Castle. We stopped in each of these places to do some observational drawings and some students also gathered pieces that they found along the way such as leaves or bits of rubbish that people had dropped.
Back in the studio students carried out research into historical and contemporary pattern making and presented these to one another. After a practical demonstration of how to make your own repeating pattern the students set out to make their own, incorporating their findings and drawings of Edinburgh. The drawings were then transferred into mdf sheets, A4 in size and printed repeatedly until they covered the size of A1.
For most students both printmaking and pattern design was new and they tackled it with great patience and enthusiasm. The project was a great way of getting into the routine of observational drawing and of making use of the sketchbook in order to create more resolved pieces. Repeat patterns can be applied in many ways, including textiles, book designs, wallpapers and wrapping papers; all relevant fields for illustrators to potentially explore.