Category: Student publication

Edinburgh in Colour

Written by 3rd year Illustration student Savannah Petrie, the main illustrator of ‘Edinburgh in Colour’.

I first heard about the ‘Edinburgh in Colour’ colouring book project through an email that was sent around: the organisers were running an illustration competition. I thought that seeing as I do a lot of line drawing that could be the right style for a colouring book, I’d give it a go. I think it’s great to try to do competitions or commissions outside of your course work because it gives you a chance to expand your portfolio, and try things you might not have done before. I really enjoyed creating illustrations for various places around Edinburgh, and it’s exciting to see my work printed in a book!

The colouring book was organised by a group of business students at Edinburgh University, as a way to raise money for Children 1st, a Scottish children’s charity. The books are now printed and for sale, and over £2500 has been raised already! Many artists/illustrators from ECA have submitted work to this book, and there’s also lots of information about the charity and Edinburgh itself.

The fundraising colouring book project was mentioned in the following articles: Edinburgh College of Art and The University of Edinburgh and is available to buy through Etsy and other shops around Edinburgh including the EUSA shop and local galleries in Edinburgh (Fruitmarket gallery and Summer Hall) as well as Pop-up shops at Edinburgh Grassmarket.

The illustrations below were submitted by Savannah Petrie and Ella Bruty.


Honourable mention for 3rd Year student in 3×3 International Illustration Competition

A huge congratulations to Liv Wan on her recent success in 3×3 Magazine’s 11th Annual International Illustration Competition, receiving an Honourable Mention for her personal project “Illustrated Travel Guide of Taipei”.

Liv’s work will be published on the 3×3 website in 2015, giving her fantastic exposure which we are sure will open many doors for her Illustration career. Liv shared her experience on her blog:

I got the email from the 3×3 magazine team when I finished work and I was on my way home. I was so excited, especially after a hard late shift at work, that I cried my eyes out in the back of the taxi. I really hope I didn’t freak out the driver! I’m still in the very early stages of my illustration career but ever since I started my HND course I’ve been working non-stop extremely hard. This “Honorable Mention” is the first non-educational nomination or award I have ever received and it’s an international and non student competition. Hopefully this will benefit my illustration career and bring in more clients.

To receive an honourable mention in a professional illustration competition mid way through your studies is a wonderful achievement, we are looking forward to seeing what Liv will conquer next.

Taipei-map-header shilin-night-market-illustration-2 yangmingshan-mountain-hot-spring-illustration maokong-tea-garden-illustration taipei-101-illustration To enjoy more of Liv’s work, please visit:

Le Immagini Della Fantasia 32

Today in the Illustration Department we’re very excited to receive the 32nd edition of ‘Le immagini della fantasia’, the catalogue of an Italian exhibition that is currently showcasing the work of many of our talented staff and alumni. Every year Casa Della Fantsia invites illustrators, authors and publishers to represent the international illustration scene in all its amazing variety, and to confirm the value of the illustrated book.

Additionally, this year the exhibition celebrates Tales from Scotland. Triggered by the success of the 29th edition of ‘Le immagini della fantasia’ held in the Edinburgh College of Art Sculpture Court in 2012,  Casa Della Fantsia has dedicated an entire section to Scotland, with its traditional fairy tales and contemporary writers. The catalogue includes atmospheric glimpses of Scottish landscapes illustrated by Anine Bösenberg, Anna Forlati, Jonathan Gibbs, Philip Giordano, Kate Leiper, John Manna, Marina Marcolin, Kate McLelland, Domenica More Gordon, Lucie Müllerová, Paschetta Marco, Marco Soma, Emily Sutton, Francesca Zoboli.

Not to mention a wonderful poem written by tutor, Vivian French, following Scotland and its traditions in a thrilling journey throughout the year, each month illustrated by Edinburgh based artists in collaboration with the Edinburgh College of Art, including Anine Bösenberg, Laura Clark, Laura Darling, Hannah Foley, Jonathan Gibbs, Alexander Jackson, Cate James, Amy Johnston, Philip Longson, Kasia Matyjaszek, Kate McLelland, Eilidh Muldoon. (images found below)

Congratulations to all involved. The exhibition is being held at Sàrmede, Casa della fantasia, until January 18th 2015. Photo 03-12-2014 14 45 42calendar 1 calendar 2 calendar 3

Fact and Fiction

Yet another exciting book has arrived! As you may have read in earlier blogposts, at the beginning of this semester our 3rd year students completed a project called ‘Fact and Fiction’. The year group were split into two. The first half explored reportage illustration, using drawing as a form of documenting information. The second group were given the freedom to produce a fictional comic strip, exploring a theme of there choosing.

To celebrate the success of the project, the illustrated narratives were then collected and formatted into a vibrant and varied book. Enjoy some of the taster spreads below, ‘Fact and Fiction: A collection of comics and reportage for the heart and mind’ can be printed to order from the following link.

Congratulations to all involved.

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Drawing Book – An Orkney Journey

It’s here! ‘Drawing book’ has finally arrived from the printers and it looks fantastic!

At the beginning of this semester our students went on a trip to the lovely Orkney islands, to work with the children of Papdale Primary School. Working with Children’s author, Vivian French, our illustrators and the students of Papdale created an imaginative and engaging narrative, ‘Craigs Gallery’. Over the course of the week this narrative was developed into a beautifully illustrated concertina story book for the children to enjoy.

Students also explored Orkney in it’s landscapes, spirit and community, producing an abundance of observational drawings. These illustrations were collected into ‘Drawing Book’, a collaborative book intended to capture the students experience of Orkney. The book contains beautiful sketches, paintings and photographs of the journeys taken and the people met (as well as a wonderful fold out concertina of ‘Craig’s Gallery’)

To celebrate the arrival of ‘Drawing Book’ we have also filled our studio with lovely rolls of drawings created for us by the Papdale Primary School students. Everyone has had a great time exploring all the different characters, the perfect way to brighten our studio through the winter.

A big thank you to everyone involved and to Allander for producing our little book so beautifully.

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Student’s Illustration Featured in The Guardian

We are very happy to announce that 4th year Morag McClenaghan has recently had her fashion illustrations featured on The Guardian fashion blog. The article explores alternative mediums to street style photography including a discussion on Morag’s role in shaping the underground illustrated street style movement.

Read the article here:

Explore Morag’s website here:


Taiwanese Cooking with Liv Wan!

Do you like food? Illustration? Maybe even books? Yes? Excellent – sharpen your knives and get the pans out, because our 2nd year student Liv Wan is about to publish her first cook book, Home-style Taiwanese Cooking.

Home-Style Taiwanese Cooking by Tsung-Yun Wan
Home-Style Taiwanese Cooking by Tsung-Yun Wan

Liv was born and raised in Taipei where she trained as a chef before moving to Edinburgh, where she now lives with her husband and baby. Liv’s illustration work is just as beautiful and layered as her cooking, and her book is well worth checking out for fans of illustration and food alike!

Looks good enough to eat!
Looks good enough to eat!

Home-style Taiwanese Cooking is out June 16th  through Marshall Cavendish Cuisine, and available for pre-order from your favourite book shop.
