Category: Events

Come and listen to Nobrow’s Sam Arthur

Nobrow’s Sam Arthur will be speaking about his life and work this Friday as part of our ongoing Professional Practice Lecture Series. Nobrow is an independent publisher of many beautiful things, including zines, books and prints of the highest quality.

Nobrow – Illustration by Luke Pearson via

Come and listen to his wise words at 2.30pm, Friday the 17th of January, in room 2.13. See you there!

Illustrators invade Oban

Cheerful faces all around, in spite of almost arctic conditions - photo by Lucas Clauser
Cheerful faces all around, in spite of near Arctic conditions – photo by Lucas Clauser

The annual Illustration trip to Oban is quickly becoming a beloved tradition, and this year our illustrators were joined by a number of Graphic Design and Animation students on their quest to draw, explore and develop their work while breaking out of their daily routines.

Setting off from Waverley Station on a Thursday morning, we arrived in Oban just in time to see the sun dip into the sea (rather spectacularly so) and got a first taste of the short northern Winter days. The good weather was to last, and even though temperatures remained around freezing point, our time in the Highlands was marked by bright weather and, unusual for Scotland, very little wind. We stayed in Oban’s Youth Hostel, which is right by the sea and made a great base camp for the following days.

Perfect drawing conditions – photo by Jo-fan Liao

On Friday Astrid began our stay handing out maps and sketchbooks, and sent each student off to draw and document a different location in and around Oban. Each of them returned with cold fingers, a diverse range of drawings and evidence of where they had been, and a starting point for further exploration of the area.

Saturday students were free to take their drawing further in a location of their own choice, with the majority catching the ferry to Mull and set off for Tobermory, Salen or Duart Castle and making the most of the stunning weather outdoors. The conditions for drawing were great, with warming sunshine and lack of wind, and nobody lost any fingers in the cold.

Duart Castle on Mull - can you spot the illustrators in the distance?
Duart Castle on Mull – can you spot the illustrators in the distance?

Sunday, our last day in the area, saw most students explore the the town and its immediate surroundings further, with some walking to the hills and forests and others heading for the local cafes to shelter from the cold. By 6pm everyone had made it onto the southbound train, which took 21 weary but happy students back home to Edinburgh.

An exhibition showcasing drawings from our Oban trip will be coming to the Andrew Grant Gallery soon, drop by to see some great work!

Degree Show 2013

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Maisie Shearring

The Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show opened with a bang for another year on Friday.   The Illustration Department is delighted to be showing off creations from 20 Undergraduate designers and 8 Postgraduates from our MFA Programme.

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Thomas Kindley
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Sophie Cunningham
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Hannah Foley
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Sophie Bryant

Representatives from the industry and the press came along for a Preview on Thursday evening, offering interest and encouragement to all the students as they nervously presented their work.

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Caroline Halliwell
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Pia Valaer
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Jode Pankhurst and Tamsin Scott

The Degree is open to the public until 9 June where the public can view and purchase work as well as meet the students. More details on the Degree Show can be found at:

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Joanna Lisoweic

School MEals


Second year Illustration students have been working hard this Semester on a collaboration with Dalmeny Primary School, Edinburgh.

Students from ECA visited the students at the primary school and spent time devising a recipe for each other made up of things such as their likes and dislikes, what they would be if they were an animal, what colour would they be….

The result is a fantastic collection of weird and wonderful interpretations these recipes in the form of a most unusual set of plates!





School Meals will be running at South Queensferry Library
9 Shore Road, South Queensferry
Thursday 2 May – Friday 17 May 2013
Mon & Wed 1pm-8pm, Tue, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am–5pm

Posters of the plates will be on view at:
Waverley Court (courtyard level)
4 East Market Street, Edinburgh
Monday 29 April – Friday 10 May 2013


Our thanks go to Dalmeny Primary School students and staff for their hard work and enthusiasm, and to Jonathan, Vivian, Cate and Kasia from ECA. We are also grateful to South Queensferry Library and the City of Edinburgh Council for exhibiting the works. Well done to Kate Berry for her hard work photographing the plates and producing the posters for Waverley Court.

Student success at the Fruitmarket Gallery Artists’ Bookmarket


A huge well done to the second year Illustrators who put on a great show at the Fruitmarket Gallery on Saturday! The event was a great success and the books presented created lots of interested amongst visitors to the event.


Students presented work made as part of their recent project ‘MapBook’ with book artist Jane Hyslop:

‘In order to be able to function in the world humans have found it essential to map their surroundings in order to impart information to others and to understand the world for themselves. However, it has not always only for practical reasons that maps have been made. People, from childhood, have a natural urge to make them and maps are fascinating to look at. They draw the viewer in and anyone who makes a map demonstrates some of their thought process through the way it is laid out and designed.

In this project second year Illustration students were asked to produce a piece of work in book form – this could be taken in as broad a sense as they wished. The book had to contain maps and or diagrams that explained a place. This place could be somewhere they knew intimately well, somewhere they were keen to explore and learn about through mapping it, or an imaginary place.’


For those who missed the event, there will be further opportunity to see the books which will be on display at Edinburgh College of Art Library, Evolution House, University of Edinburgh until the middle of May.